For principal and interest loans, your monthly repayment must still be made in full by the due date, even if the interest on your linked loan account is partially or fully offset. This is because the balance of an offset account doesn’t change your minimum repayment amount – instead, it changes the proportion of your minimum repayment that goes towards interest. This means more of your repayment may go towards paying off the amount borrowed (principal) as the interest portion is offset, reducing the interest charged. These savings may result in your loan being paid off faster.
While the funds in your offset account may contribute to reducing the interest charged, a repayment is still required to pay off the balance.
It is important to note that if your offset account balance exceeds your home loan account balance, you won’t be paid interest on the excess amount. This excess amount also does not offset any interest payable on your linked variable home loan account or any other home loan account you hold with us.