How do I dispute a card transaction?

To raise a dispute you'll need to complete the relevant form and return it to us via the details shown on the form. Depending on the situation, the process to raise a dispute may differ slightly. Refer to the table to determine which applies to you.

Please also read the steps below to ensure you are eligible for a dispute prior to submitting the relevant form.

ScenarioExamplesRequired form or action

There’s an issue with a purchase or ATM withdrawal

  • The card transaction has been duplicated
  • The card transaction amount is incorrectly charged
  • Goods or services were not received
  • Goods or services were not as described
  • A payment you cancelled has still gone through in error
  • An ATM has dispensed cash incorrectly

Card Disputes form

We will require some documents from you so please read the form carefully for what documents you will need to include with your request.

Please ensure your email on file is up to date prior to submitting the form.

I don’t recognise the transactions on my card

  • There are suspicious card transactions or purchases that I don’t recognise

Let us know by calling 02 8550 5666 (+61 2 8550 5666 if calling from overseas) at any time. We can then help you with the next steps on how to dispute a suspicious or fraudulent transaction.

What are the steps to raise a dispute?

1. Contact the merchant directly to resolve the dispute. Many disputes can be resolved with the merchant directly without having to lodge a claim.

2. Check whether the transaction(s):

  • was made by a joint card holder
  • is appearing with a merchant name that is different to the trading name (contact the merchant or do a search online)
  • has a different transaction date due to a delay in the processing of the transaction.

 We won’t be able to investigate disputes where:

  • you’ve simply changed your mind
  • the transactions are still ‘pending’
  • the transactions have passed 120 days from the date you expected to receive any goods or services; or
  • the transactions are older than 540 days.

3. Prepare all your supporting documentation including the relevant card dispute form as outlined in the table above and submit it to us via email as specified on the form. Please note these forms are only for disputing debit or credit card transactions. It will not be applicable to mistaken payments or electronic bank transfers.

How long do I have to report a dispute?

You should report disputed transactions to us promptly. For most chargebacks, you have up to six weeks from the date of the transaction to raise a dispute. Our right to seek a chargeback may be lost, and you might not be able to receive a refund, if you do not report a disputed transaction promptly and/or if you do not provide us with sufficient information to seek a chargeback.

How long does it take to resolve a dispute?

We’ll work as quickly as we can with you, the merchant, and the merchant’s bank to resolve your dispute. 

If you don't hear from us once you've lodged your dispute, it's because we're processing your request and we've got all the information we need. We will provide updates on the progress of your case once an initial chargeback has been lodged. This can take up to 45 days.

What happens after I raise a dispute?

Day 1: If the transaction(s) meet the criteria for a dispute to be raised, you are required to complete and send the dispute form to us as soon as you can. In order for our team to meet certain timeframes and conditions, it’s important that you send us all the necessary information and documentation as listed in the form so we can get started with the investigation as soon as possible.

Day 2-5: Once the dispute form has been submitted, the transaction(s) in question will still appear on your statement. For transactions on a credit card, only when the case is picked up by our team, then will it not be a part of the minimum monthly payment calculations and not incur interest. 

Day 5-45: We will investigate and will lodge a chargeback if criterion is met. The merchant/merchant's bank has 30-45 days to respond. We will notify you once a chargeback has been lodged.

Day 45-60: If the merchant has rejected our initial chargeback, we may contact you to review the documentation provided by the merchant. If you disagree with this documentation and wish to proceed with your dispute, let us know within 14 days with any additional information or documents. If we don’t hear back from you within 14 days, we will assume that you don’t want to continue with the dispute and close the case. If you no longer need to dispute the transaction and would like to withdraw the dispute, then please email us.

Up to day 90: We must allow the merchant’s bank 45 days to respond to our chargeback. Please ensure your email on file is up to date prior to submitting the form. We will write to you about the outcome of the investigation. You can also call us on 02 8550 5666 and quote your dispute case number.

How do I withdraw a dispute?

If you’ve lodged a queried transaction with us to investigate, and would like to withdraw it, please notify us via email:

How do I dispute a direct debit?

If you want to dispute a direct debit that you don’t recognise or has been debited without your authority, please contact us via live chat. We’ll need the following details to help investigate and raise a claim with the merchant’s bank:

  • Payment amount
  • Date the funds were debited
  • Account number funds have been debited from 
  • Reason for the claim.

Please note, that direct debit claims may take between 5 to 30 days depending on the transaction(s) to be disputed.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.