While your home loan account has a fixed interest rate, you can make limited additional repayments. These additional repayments won’t change your monthly minimum repayments and the redraw accrued can’t be accessed until the end of the fixed rate term.
There are limits to how much extra you can pay into your account every 12 months, from when you fix your account. If you exceed these limits, you may incur a break cost.
For home loans with a BSB starting with 182, you can make an additional payment of $10,000 within every 12-month period, starting from the day you fix your interest rate.
For home loans with a BSB starting with 183, you can make an additional payment of up to 5% of the amount you fixed, starting from the day you fixed your interest rate.
Note: If you exceed these limits, you may incur a break cost. Break costs can be substantial, see below for more information.