If you misplace your card, you can apply a temporary lock on your card to protect your account and to prevent any new payments being made on your card. In some cases this may result in existing direct debits or authorised payments being declined. If you lock your card, please review all direct debits and authorised payments connected to the account.
You can lock and unlock your card at any time in Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app.
To place a temporary lock on your card in Macquarie Online Banking:
- Hover over your account in the account list
- Select I want to
- Select Manage card in the menu drop-down
- Select Lock
- Toggle to Lock card.
You can unlock your card by following the steps above and selecting Unlock card.
To place a temporary lock on your card in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app:
- Select your account from the account list
- Select I want to
- Select Manage card in the menu
- Select Lock
- Select Lock on the pop-up message.
You can unlock your card by following the steps above and selecting Unlock card.