When you’re making a purchase online with a Macquarie credit or debit card, you may receive a pop-up on screen – this is a security measure in place to verify that you are the legitimate cardholder making the transaction. If this happens, follow the prompts on the screen to verify yourself using Macquarie Authenticator. Find out more about how to Approve or deny using Macquarie Authenticator.
If you have don't have Macquarie Authenticator, you will receive an SMS verification message to the mobile number on file containing a Secure Code.
It’s important you ensure your contact details are kept up to date in your account. To change your mobile number please refer to View or update your contact details.
If you are traveling overseas, we recommend that you download Macquarie Authenticator to receive verifications instead of relying on SMS verification. Macquarie Authenticator app will allow you to approve or deny transactions or account changes made from your account by you or your financial adviser, even if you don’t have an internet connection.
It’s important that you also notify us about overseas travel to minimise any disruption to being able to make payments using your card.