Exchanged Traded Funds (ETFs)

ETFs are managed funds that are traded on an exchange, similar to individual shares. Each ETF typically invests in a basket of shares that track an index, such as the S&P/ASX200.

There are over 200 ETFs available on the Australian share market, some giving you access to specific sectors, emerging investment themes and international markets.

Unlisted managed funds

mFund is the settlement service provided by ASX to enable investors to buy and sell units in unlisted managed funds directly with fund managers.  

The service uses CHESS settlement system to automate and track the process of buying (applying for) and selling (redeeming) units in managed funds. Investors’ holdings in these funds are held electronically and can be linked to the same HIN used to hold other investments transacted through ASX, such as shares.

To find out more, download the ASX mFund Brochure and the ASX mFund fact sheet.

Explore ETFs and managed funds

Login to your account at with your Macquarie ID and password. Then:

  1. Select Quote & News from the top menu
  2. Select either Managed Funds or Exchange Trades Funds from the dropdown menu.

These pages show you the available mFunds and ETFs available to trade on Macquarie Online Trading as well as their price, fund information, performance, and charges. 

You can also filter the available mFunds and ETFs by asset class, sector, product issuer, indirect cost ratio (ICR) and management fees.

Trade ETFs and managed funds

To buy or sell, click on the buy/sell icon on the left-hand menu. This will bring up the order pad where you can buy and sell shares and managed funds. Complete the order pad with:

  1. Order Type: Managed Funds 
  2. Client: The account you’d like to trade on 
  3. Select Buy or Sell
  4. Select the fund by choosing the Fund Provider and Managed funds via the drop downs or typing in the ASX Code  
  5. Select the Quantity or Value 

Once you’ve completed the order form and ensured it’s correct, click Next. Review the order and input your 4-digit pin to place the trade.  
If you don’t know your trading PIN, please call 1800 098 648.

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

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