We're no longer accepting new car loan applications.

What does this mean for existing customers?  

There is no change for existing customers. Macquarie will continue to service all existing car loan and novated lease customers. Existing customers can continue to view their loan details via their online portal. Existing novated lease customers should contact their salary packager.

Existing customers can get a payout figure by visiting our payout tool. 

What does this mean for brokers and novated leasing introducers?

Following our business changes, Maclease, Introducer Assistant Portal (IAP) and our car loan Introducer Support phone line will no longer be available.

To get a payout figure, visit our payout tool.

For all general enquiries, clients can self serve via their online platform. Further information can be found by visiting Accessing your car loan article.

What about refinancing a balloon or other residual financing?  

Customers wanting assistance with balloon refinancing and residual refinancing will need to do so with another lender. 

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