Research and market data packages in Macquarie Wrap

Market data information is provided for Macquarie Vision and Macquarie Wrap. Quotes are delayed by at least 20 minutes.

Note: Real-time data and IRESS ViewPoint are available on Macquarie Online Trading for a monthly fee.

View market data in Macquarie Online

The following market data information is available in Macquarie Online Banking:

  • Company announcements
  • Share prices (bid and ask prices, last traded price)
  • Daily share price change, high and low prices, dividend yield, P/E ratios
  • Charting

To view share price information in Macquarie Online Banking:

  1. Select Accounts from the side menu; or first click on the menu icon in top left-hand corner to display the side menu
  2. Select Research & reports
  3. Select Market data in the pop-out bar
  4. Select by ASX code/company name in the search bar on the top right-hand side.

You can find more information about managed funds from product issuers’ websites. Where Macquarie Investment Management Limited or Macquarie Investment Management Australia Limited is the responsible entity, please see Daily unit prices for more information.

Managed funds

You can find more information about managed funds from product issuers’ websites. Where Macquarie Investment Management Limited or Macquarie Investment Management Australia Limited is the responsible entity, please see Daily unit prices for more information.

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