We're here for you at this time

If you’re a representative of the estate of a friend or family member who has passed away and they held a Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA), you should notify us of the customers death as soon as practicable. You can find information on how to notify us.

This checklist can help you prepare the necessary documents to ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible. 

Where a certified copy is required, please review our certification requirements.

Individual account

For accounts held in a client’s individual name, we can only accept instructions from the executor, who must first be appointed as the authorised signatory on the account.

Please provide the following: 

  • a certified copy of death certificate
  • a certified copy Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration
  • a certified copy of the Executor/s or Administrator/s or Next of Kin/s identification 
  • a completed Individual identification form for each executor or next of kin.

Depending on the executor's instruction, we'll also need the following:

To keep estate account open, and place it under executor administration

We need a Third Party Authority form completed by each executor indicating signing instructions on the account.

To close the account

We need a Deceased Estates Withdrawal form or written request signed by all executors. This must contain account details of where to transfer funds to: account name, BSB and account number.

Joint account

A joint account holder can continue to use the account as usual. For accounts held in joint names, we can only accept instructions from the surviving account holder or their representative.

If all account holder/s are deceased, please follow the process for Individual account.

Please note, statements will continue to be sent with all current account holders’ names. Alternatively, the names on the account can be updated to the surviving account holder/s by providing the certified copy of death certificate or certified copy of Grant of Probate.

All accounts will be updated to surviving account holder/s unless a written request is submitted outlining account details to remain in joint names.

Corporate account including corporate trustee account where a director has died

Remove director only

Please provide the following:

  • a copy of the updated ASIC extract showing late director removed (If ASIC has not been updated a certified copy of death certificate)
  • a completed Beneficial Owner Details form (ensure the Company name is listed, not the Trust).

Appointing a new director

Please provide the following:

  • a copy of the updated ASIC extract showing newly appointed director(s). (If ASIC has not been updated a certified copy of death certificate)
  • a completed Beneficial Owner Details form (ensure the Company name is listed, not the Trust)
  • a certified copy of identification for each new director
  • a completed Individual identification form for each new director
  • Third Party Authority form completed for each new director and signed by the current and all new directors.

Trust account and Self-Managed Super Fund

Please note, an SMSF with individual trustees must have at least two trustees linked unless a corporate trustee is appointed.

Depending on the Trust, please submit instructions advising whether a new trustee will be appointed or to remove deceased trustee only along with the relevant documents below. 

If removing deceased trustee only

Please provide the following:

  • a certified copy of death certificate
  • a certified copy of the deed of variation signed by all remaining Trustees
  • a completed Beneficial Owner Details form.

If appointing a replacement individual as trustee

Please provide the following:

If appointing a corporate as trustee

Please provide the following:

Partnership accounts

Remove Office Holder only

Please provide the following:

  • a certified copy of death certificate
  • a certified copy of a deed of variation to Partnership Agreement
  • If the partnership has an ABN, a copy of the updated ABN extract (If ABN has been updated you will not be required to submit a certified copy of death certificate).

If appointing a replacement partner

Please provide the following:

  • a certified copy of death certificate
  • a certified copy of a deed of variation to Partnership Agreement
  • if the partnership has an ABN, a copy of the updated ABN extract (if ABN has been updated you will not be required to submit a certified copy of death certificate)
  • a certified copy of the new partner's identification 
  • a completed Individual identification form for each new partner
  • Third Party Authority form completed for each new partner and signed by the current and all new partners.

Association accounts

Remove partner only

Please provide the following:

  • a certified copy of death certificate
  • a certified copy of the minutes of meeting of the Association
  • If the Association is a Not-for-Profits Commission or Australian Charity, a copy of the updated ACNC. (If ACNC has been updated you will not be required to submit a certified copy of death certificate).

If appointing a replacement Office Holder only

Please provide the following:

  • a certified copy of death certificate
  • a certified copy of a deed of variation to Partnership Agreement
  • if the Association is Not-for-Profits Commission or Australian Charity, a copy of the updated ACNC (if ACNC has been updated you will not be required to submit a certified copy of death certificate)
  • a certified copy of the new Office Holder/s identification
  • a completed Individual identification form for each new Office Holder
  • Third Party Authority form completed for each new Office Holder and signed by the current and all new Office Holders.

How to provide information to us

The quickest way for you to provide these documents to us is via email. Please email copies of the requested certified documents to clientservicesupport@macquarie.com.

If you have one, please quote the DEC reference number from any email correspondence. Alternatively, you can send them via post.

Deceased Estates
GPO Box 2520
Sydney, NSW, 2001

Start a live chat

Log in to Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Mobile Banking app and chat with a consultant in real time, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Experiencing financial difficulty?

Please get in touch as soon as possible so we can work together to find the right solution for you.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.