Manage your permissions

In Macquarie Business Online it’s easy to see which accounts individuals in your business can view, and the access levels they have. We recommend logging in ensure it’s up to date and everyone has the correct level of access.

To manage your permissions, please read the relevant section below.

View permissions on your account

There are two ways you can view the permissions on your accounts.

View permissions by account

  1. On the Menu, navigate to Accounts and click All Accounts
  2. Find and click on the account that you’re looking for
  3. Select the Permissions page in the top-menu
  4. This page will display all the users who also have permission to view this account, together with the transaction and authorisation levels they are entitled to.

View the permissions by facility

  1. On the Menu, navigate to Accounts and click Facilities
  2. Find and click on the facility that you’re looking for
  3. Select the Permissions page in the top-menu
  4. This page will display all the users who also have permission to view this facility and all the accounts contained within it, together with the transaction and authorisation levels they are entitled to.

Add a user to your account

You can add a new user to your Macquarie Business Online accounts by completing a set up or amend access form:

Once complete, you can send it to us via the instructions on the form.

Remove a user from your account

You can remove a user from your Macquarie Business Online account by completing an Amend Electronic Banking Access form.

Once complete, you can send it to us via the instructions on the form.

Add a signatory to your account

You can add a signatory to your account who can approve transactions on your account.

Please note – adding someone as a signatory gives them significant access to your accounts that would normally be limited to account holders only.

How to add a signatory

To set up a new signatory authority on your account, please download and complete the Signatory Nomination form.

Once complete, you can send it to us via the instructions on the form.

In some situations, we may need to identify the new signatory so we’ll require them to provide extra identification documentation.

Remove a signatory from your account

To remove a signatory authority on your account, please download and complete the Signatory Nomination form.

Once complete, you can send it to us via the instructions on the form.

Log in to Macquarie Business Online

Macquarie Business Online is an online banking experience that can grow with your business and help you achieve your goals.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it. 

Request a call

Fill out our form so we can review your application and connect you with the right banking specialist.