How to log in

You can log into Macquarie Business Online (MBO) by following the below steps:

  1. Go to
  2. In the top right-hand corner of the screen, select Log in
  3. Select Business Banking
  4. Select Macquarie Business Online and follow the prompts to log in to MBO.

QR code when you first log in to MBO

If you have authoriser-level access and you’ve successfully logged in to Macquarie Business Online for the first time, you’ll be presented with a QR code to download and set up the Macquarie Authenticator app. The QR code you see is unique to you and shouldn’t be shared with others.

To use the QR code to download and set up the Macquarie Authenticator app, simply:

  1. Open the camera on your phone or tablet device and hold it over the QR code on your screen
  2. Select to open
  3. Install the Macquarie Authenticator app from your app store
  4. Open the app and allow ‘Authenticator’ to send you notifications (if prompted)
  5. Select and confirm a six-digit PIN
  6. To add your Macquarie ID, select Add with Macquarie QR code
  7. Select Scan Macquarie QR code
  8. Allow Authenticator access to your camera on your device
  9. Hold your device over the QR code on your screen
  10. Read and confirm the Important Information
  11. To verify it is you click Next
  12. Enter the six-digit safe code sent via SMS
  13. Select Done.

To protect your accounts, you won’t be able to proceed any further in Macquarie Business Online until you’ve downloaded and set up the Macquarie Authenticator app.

You can watch this video and skip to 00:32 if you’d like to see what this process looks like. 


Having trouble logging in to MBO?

Please try the following tips:

  1. Navigate to Macquarie Business Online: If you’re receiving the error ‘you are not registered for this service’, you might be trying to log in on the wrong page.
  2. Go to and select Log in then Business Banking to access Macquarie Business Online.
  3. Check your Macquarie ID is correct: See Macquarie ID and passwords.
  4. Reset your password: See Macquarie ID and passwords.
  5. Change your internet browser: If you’re receiving the error ‘A system error has occurred’, it’s possible that the login issue could be related to your internet browser. Please try using a different browser to log in.
  6. Try another device: If you’re having problems accessing Macquarie Business Online through a browser on your mobile or tablet, try using another mobile device or a desktop PC or laptop.

Log in to Macquarie Business Online

Macquarie Business Online is an online banking experience that can grow with your business and help you achieve your goals.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it. 

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Fill out our form so we can review your application and connect you with the right banking specialist.