What is your Macquarie ID?

A Macquarie ID is your unique eight-digit user ID for accessing Macquarie Business Online (MBO).

Please use your Macquarie ID we provided you when you set up your online access. You can’t set up a username for MBO.

If you have issues logging in, please read the relevant section below.

Retrieve your Macquarie ID

To retrieve your Macquarie ID, you'll need your last name, date of birth and registered email address handy. Then:

  1. Go to macquarie.com.au and select Log in then Business Banking to access Macquarie Business Online
  2. Select Forgot login details?
  3. Select Forgotten your Macquarie ID
  4. Enter your last name, date of birth and registered email address. Select Submit
  5. If the details match our records, you’ll receive an email containing your Macquarie ID.

You can log in straight away with your retrieved Macquarie ID.

If you’re unable to retrieve your Macquarie ID, please call us on 1800 620 673 (+61 2 8550 5603 if calling from overseas).

Macquarie ID has been locked

Your Macquarie ID will be locked if the wrong password has been attempted too many times or if we've identified suspicious activity on your account.

To unlock your Macquarie ID:

  1. Go to macquarie.com.au and select Log in then Business Banking to access Macquarie Business Online
  2. Enter your Macquarie ID and password
  3. Select Login
  4. Select the link to Unlock your Macquarie ID
  5. Enter your Macquarie ID and mobile phone number
  6. Click Submit
  7. Enter the SMS safe code that has been sent to your mobile phone
  8. Proceed to log in again.

If you still can’t unlock your Macquarie ID, please call us on 1800 620 673 (or +61 2 8550 5603 if calling from overseas).

If you didn’t make these login attempts, we recommend you change your password immediately to secure your accounts and contact us for further assistance.

Forgotten your password

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset this in Macquarie Business Online by following the below steps:

  1. Go to macquarie.com.au and select Log in then Business Banking to access Macquarie Business Online
  2. Select Forgot log in details?
  3. Enter your Macquarie ID and your mobile number. Select Submit
  4. You’ll receive a one-time SMS code on your mobile. Enter the code
  5. Create a new password.

You can use your new password straight away.

Update your password

You may want to change your password from time to time as good practice to help keep your accounts safe.

To change your password on Macquarie Business Online: 

  1. Log in to Macquarie Business Online

  2. Select the drop-down alongside your profile icon in the top right-hand corner 

  3. Select Security 

  4. Select Update Password

  5. Enter your new password 

  6. Select Update 

  7. Follow the prompts to verify the change using your Macquarie Authenticator app or via SMS. 

You can use your new password straight away. 


Log in to Macquarie Business Online

Macquarie Business Online is an online banking experience that can grow with your business and help you achieve your goals.

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it. 

Request a call

Fill out our form so we can review your application and connect you with the right banking specialist.