Every year we do a review of all the clients on our platforms to determine if they have indicated that they are tax residents of a foreign jurisdiction. They could have indicated this through information provided during the account opening process or personal contact information they’ve updated throughout the year.
We’re required to confirm your client's tax residency under the:
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), US legislation requiring us to confirm your client’s status as a US or non-US citizen or tax resident, and
- Common Reporting Standard (CRS), a single global standard for the collection, reporting and exchange of financial account information on foreign tax residents.
As part of our ongoing CRS and FATCA reporting obligations, we contact clients because:
- We have found foreign indicia (evidence of foreign tax residency) on file and require confirmation of tax residency from them. Foreign indicia could be a foreign address, contact details or foreign ID on file. We may also know that your clients have a foreign taxpayer identification number (TIN) but we don’t have this TIN recorded or;
- they’re an entity that need to self-certify for the first time, regardless of whether evidence of foreign tax residency has been found on file.