Macquarie Cash Management Account


Account Nomination

Use this form to link additional accounts to your Wrap cash account or change the nominated account for funds to be paid into your term deposit.

Deceased Estate Withdrawal

Withdraw funds from a deceased estate account.

Direct Debit Request

Debit a nominated account with another financial institution for regular deposits to your clients' CMA.

Director and Beneficial Owner ID form

Use this form to identify the beneficial owners of a Company, Association or Trust.

Recurring Payment Authority

Setup or amend regular payments from your clients' CMA (such as pension payments).

Third party authority - Financial Services Professional or Company

Use this form to register a Financial Services Professional or Financial Services Company as a third party authority on your account.

Third party authority - Individual

Use this form to register another individual as a third party authority on your account.

Unclaimed Monies Claim

Use this form to request the return of funds submitted to ASIC as Unclaimed Monies.


Request to withdraw funds

Macquarie Term Deposit

I am providing my identification through my financial adviser

Macquarie Form

Individual or joint account

Identification form for individuals

Regulated Trust

Identification form for Regulated Trusts

Unregulated Trust

Identification form for Unregulated Trusts

Australian Company

Identification form for Australian companies

Foreign Company

Identification form for foreign companies


Identification form for partnerships

Registered Cooperative

Identification form for Registered Co-operatives


Identification form for Associations

Government Body

Identification form for Government Bodies

Individual tax declaration form

Tax declaration form for individuals

Entity tax declaration form

Tax declaration form for entities

I am providing my identification directly to Macquarie


Individual or joint account

Identification form for individuals

Regulated Trust

Identification form for Regulated Trusts

Unregulated Trust

Identification form for Unregulated Trusts

Australian Company

Identification form for Australian companies

Foreign Company

Identification form for foreign companies


Identification form for partnerships

Registered Cooperative

Identification form for Cooperatives


Identification form for Associations

Government Body

Identification form for Government Bodies

FATCA details form

FATCA details form for all entities

Individual tax declaration form

Tax declaration form for individuals

Entity tax declaration form

Tax declaration form for entities

AML Agents Form

Form for Agent to provide Beneficial owner details

Macquarie Online Trading


Broker to Broker Transfer Request

Change of Registration Address

Client directed payment form

This form allows a client directed payment to be made for each transaction made through Macquarie Online Trading.

Issuer Sponsored Conversion form

This form requests for Macquarie Online Trading to sponsor existing Issuer Sponsored Holdings.

Third Party Authority form

Use this form to authorise someone else to operate your account on your behalf and specify the level of authority you wish to give them.

Off Market Transfer form

This form is used to transfer a holding of shares from one party to another without buying and selling on the market.