What’s the Wrap fee calculator?

Our Wrap fee calculator is a tool that we’ve developed to support you and your business during the process of recommending Macquarie Wrap to a client. 

It has been specifically designed to help you easily assess the suitability of Macquarie’s Wrap products from an indicative fee perspective before you embark on a more in-depth assessment to determine what products best meet your client’s needs.

The Wrap fee calculator can be used to:

  • auto-populate portfolio details for existing accounts by searching an account name or number
  • get indicative pricing for Wrap fees (this includes platform administration fees, access fees and sub-custody fees), as well as investment costs/fees and adviser fees
  • compare fees for a new or existing, single account across the product suite
  • compare fees for a single account or for account group pricing (including fee aggregation)
  • get an indicative quote for grouped pricing on accounts which are currently not grouped
  • print PDF reports of all fees.

How to use the Wrap fee calculator?

To access the fee calculator, simply:

  1. Log on to Adviser Online 
  2. Under Tools & resources, click on Fee calculator.

When you have opened the fee calculator, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the existing Wrap account(s) you want to use in your fee calculation. You can also select multiple accounts (up to 8) or input a prospective/new client’s details to calculate fees for a group. All accounts you select will be treated as part of a single group
  2. If you have adviser codes under multiple dealer codes, we’ll ask you to select the dealer code you wish to price the nominated group of accounts under 
  3. For existing accounts, you can adjust their current assets if required. For new accounts, you’ll need to enter their recommended assets
  4. You’ll then enter your adviser fee structure if you would like an estimate of the adviser fees for the nominated accounts. 

Once you’ve entered all the required information, you’ll be able to see a summary of the Wrap fees applicable across each product for your account(s). You can generate a PDF report to print this information, if required. 

Select the Product to see a full fee breakdown, as well as an adviser fee estimate for the account. You can also generate a PDF report to print, if required.

Interpreting the output of the Wrap fee calculator

The output table in the fee calculator provides a comparison of the indicative Wrap fees inclusive of any GST, and net of any applicable Reduced Input Tax Credit for your selected account(s).

All entered accounts are treated as belonging to a single group. Fee aggregation is applied across the nominated accounts for Macquarie Consolidator II Elevate Investment Menu option. 

Each column shows the following: 


Current Product(s) 

The Macquarie Consolidator and Macquarie Manager product fees, for existing accounts only, assuming each account stays in its current product. Note, if applicable, group caps or relationship discounts will be applied if two or more of the nominated accounts belong to the existing product that offers the cap or discount. These estimations may differ from client fee statements due to differences between nominated and actual grouping structures, account balance changes etc. 


Macquarie Consolidator II – Elevate Investment Menu option 

The account balance apportioned Wrap fees, assuming all nominated accounts are grouped under a single Consolidator II group to benefit from fee aggregation. They are assumed to retain their Investment or Super/Pension status as nominated.   


Macquarie Consolidator II – Engage Investment Menu option 

The account fees of each of the nominated accounts if they were under Consolidator II Engage, retaining their current Investment, Super or Pension status. 


Macquarie Manager II 

The account balance apportioned fees, assuming all nominated accounts are grouped under a single Manager II group. They are assumed to retain their Investment or Super/Pension status as nominated.

Wrap fees for group accounts

If you’re using the calculator to determine Wrap fees for a group of accounts, note:

  1. The first screen will show you a summary of Wrap fees across each available product, assuming all accounts are grouped under a single group 
  2. These Wrap fees comprise administration fees, access fees and sub-custody fees.

Once you’ve chosen a product name, a breakdown of the fees across each asset and account will be generated.  

  • In addition, an estimate of the investment costs/fees and adviser fees for the accounts will also be shown, based on your input
  • The fee calculator doesn’t provide estimates for non-SMA brokerage, SMA brokerage or other incidental fees such as transaction fees or failed trade fees 

Cash earnings estimates are not provided as part of the output.

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