Type of errors

You can make bulk payments and multiple BPAY® payments from your client's Cash Management Account (CMA) using bulk transacting. Occasionally there may be an issue with your bulk transacting. 

There are two types of errors for bulk transacting: 

  1. Uploading file error
  2. Processed with errors

You can find troubleshooting tips for the most common issues with uploading files or processing below. 

Uploading file error

File type: Make sure you check the file before saving as a CSV (Comma Delimited) file. Don’t re-open the file after saving as it may cause the file formatting to alter, resulting in an upload file error.

Corrupted files: Download a new version of your chosen template type for each new bulk transacting file you create. Avoid downloading and re-using a template saved on your computer.  

Duplication of files: The system will detect files containing the same number of transactions and total value submitted on the same day to prevent a file accidentally being processed twice. If a match is detected an error message display advising the "file has already been processed". You can either: 

  • split the file into two smaller files, ensuring the two new files have different total amounts, and upload these two new files
  • increase the amount of the sample row so the total file value is different to the previous one, or
  • upload the file the next business day. You’ll also need to advance the date in the file. 

Processing of yesterday’s file in error: A check is in place to prevent users uploading past files in error. If the date on the file doesn’t equal today’s date, the system will reject the file. You can then either upload the correct file, or update the date to today’s date and resubmit. 

Invalid account number error: If the account number is invalid or incomplete, make sure you’re: 

  1. save the file as a CSV file
  2. ensure the cells are aligned right
  3. change the cell format to either number or text
  4. prefix the account number with 0 to make a 10 digit account number.

“0” (zero) dropping off in the BSB or account number and/or The heading in line one is invalid: Either the file hasn’t been loaded as CSV, or the file has been saved as a CSV but reopened resulting in the file being converted to Excel format. Please re-save the file as a CSV.  

Amount missing or invalid: The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) imposes an incoming crediting amount of $99,999.99. Any amount greater than this will generate an "amount missing or invalid" error message. 

Please note, you can get around this by adding multiple lines to debit the same account up to an amount of $99,999.99.

File processed with errors

Insufficient debit authority: You’re attempting to debit an account you don’t have debiting authority on, or you don’t hold the required level of authority for the type of transaction you’re trying to perform. 

If you believe you hold the appropriate authority, please contact us for further review.

Insufficient client funds: The client has insufficient funds to cover the withdrawal requested. 

Invalid client account status: The CMA’s status is not open. If you require further information on why the account is not on open status, please contact us.

Invalid destination account: When submitting a financial services payment file, the bank details the uploaded file is trying to sweep fees to don’t match the details registered on file for your bulk transacting facility. Simply, the destination account submitted in the file isn’t an authorised destination account. 

If you want to have an additional financial services account added to your bulk transacting facility, please contact us.

Amount outside of allowable limit: This limit is related to the receiving BPAY entity. This means the biller has placed a maximum limit on funds they receive via BPAY – this maximum will usually be noted on the bill. 

To contact us, please use live chat to speak with an adviser consultant Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm Sydney time.

ASIC payments

Advisers can make bulk transactions to ASIC when they hold Tax Authority or General Withdrawal Authority on the client’s account. Advisers with General withdrawal authority can also use the External multi payments template successfully to make payments to ASIC. 

Useful tips for making payments to ASIC: 

  • The ASIC account details must be entered exactly as shown on the ASIC invoice, ie without leading zeros on the 6-digit account 317118
  • The ASIC EFT reference must be entered in the ‘Receivers Description’ field. Please note the template cell reference and validation currently show this field as optional
  • The EFT reference won’t be validated by the system to ensure it is a valid ASIC payee reference, so please take care when completing this field
  • Once created, the CSV file shouldn’t be re-opened in Excel as this will cause re-formatting issues with the ASIC payee reference number. The payment will still be sent to ASIC if all other validations are successful, but the payee reference will be incorrect, and may result in ASIC not recognising the payment.

Handy tips

  • Make sure the file doesn’t contain a special character such as a comma
  • Tax payment files have a maximum amount per transaction of $99,999.99 (ATO guidelines). All other transactions are $99,999,999.99
  • You can transfer up to 3000 withdrawals per file
  • When building the file, save the file to a local drive (desktop) as .xlsx so formatting will remain when reopening
  • Transfers from one CMA to another appear in crediting account same day. A crediting reference can’t be used to appear on crediting account
  • We recommend users close their file before proceeding to upload. When uploading the file, the file type must be saved as a CSV
  • It takes approximately 20 minutes for transactions to be processed. We’ll send you an email to confirm the process is complete
  • There is a forward dating function available, up to 10 days (the nominated date must be a business day). The date on the file should match the date entered in the upload. If processing the file after 3:59 PM (Sydney time), you must use a future date. The file will then be processed on that date
  • Payee bank accounts must be between minimum 6 and maximum 9 digits in length. If you’re payee account number has fewer than 6 digits, please add zeroes to the start of the number to make it equal to 6 digits. 

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

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