Getting started

Find out everything you need to open a Cash Management Account (CMA) on behalf of your client/s.  

The application requirements vary depending on the application type.

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.

For more information on how to apply, see How do I apply for a new CMA for my client?.

Individual and Joint applications

To apply for a CMA for individuals, you’ll need to provide the following information to us:

  1. Applicant(s) details:
    • Full legal name (including any middle names)
    • Any other names known by
    • Date of birth
    • Mobile number
    • Email address
    • Residential address
    • Occupation
    • Source of wealth 
    • Tax file number (optional)
    • Details of any foreign tax residency, including a Tax Identification Number (TIN) if applicable
    • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
  2. Account details:
    • If you’d like to nominate another bank account for fund transfers, we’ll ask you for these account details. Nominating an account for fund transfers allows you to make transfers to that account, which can exceed the PayAnyone limit.
    • Details about how the account will be funded and what the account will be used for.
  1. Account authorities: Let us know if you’d like to nominate any third-party authorities on the account. If you’d like to nominate third parties, we’ll also ask you for their details.
  2. Application administration: Let us know what the preferred email address is for managing this application.

Ready to open an account?

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.

Unregulated Trust, e.g., Family Trust

  1. To apply for CMA account for an unregulated trust, you’ll need the following documents:
    • A copy of the Trust Deed. The name of the Trust, Trustee(s), Settlor, Beneficiaries or Class(es) of beneficiaries and Appointors/protectors (if any) needs to be entered exactly as per the Trust Deed.
    • For a unit trust, a certified copy of the unit registry.
    •  For more information on certification requirements, see What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
  2. Let us know if you’d like to open an individual trustee or a company trustee.
  3. Trust details: Please provide us with the trust details, including:
    • Name of the trust
    • Full name of business (if any)
    • Australian Business Number (ABN) and Tax File Number (TFN), or a reason for exemption
    • Details of any foreign tax residency. Please note: we are unable to accept applications for foreign trusts or entities.
    • Source of wealth 
    • The type of trust
    • Trust description
    • The industry in which the trust operates in
    • The nature of the trust activity
    • If the controlling parties are also beneficiaries
    • The category of the trust (Active Non-Financial Entity (NFE), Financial Institution, Australian Registered Charity or Deceased Estate, or other.
  4. Trust settlor details: If the sum of the trust is more than $10,000 on establishment, please provide the following information:
    • Confirmation of the entity that settled the trust, including the name of the individual, company or trust who is the settlor.
      • If the settlor is a company, provide the ACN.
      • If the settlor is a trust, provide the ABN of the trust.
  5. Trustee details: Please provide us with details of the Trustees of the Trust, including:
    • For an individual trustee:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Any other name known by
      • Date of birth
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Occupation
      • Source of wealth
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
    • For a company trustee:
      • The company’s name and ACN
      • Industry in which the company operates
      • Source of wealth
      • Registered office and principal place of business address/es
      • Company officer details, including:
        • Title
        • Full legal name (including any middle names)
        • Any other name known by
        • Date of birth
        • Occupation
        • Mobile number
        • Email address
        • Residential address
        • Source of wealth
        • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account? 
    • Company beneficial owner details, including:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Date of birth
      • Occupation
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Source of wealth
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
  6. Trust beneficial owner details: Please provide us with details of the beneficial owners of the trust, including:
  7. Trust beneficiaries’ details: Please provide us with details of all the beneficiaries listed in the trust deed, including:
    • If they’re an individual, entity or class of beneficiaries
    • Name of individual beneficiaries
    • Description of classes of beneficiaries, e.g., children.
  8. Account preferences: Please provide us with the following details:
    • If you’d like to nominate another bank account for fund transfers, we‘ll ask you the account details for this account. Nominating an account for fund transfers allows you to make transfers to that account which can exceed the PayAnyone limit.
    • Details about how the account will be funded and what the account will be used for.
  9. Account authorities: Let us know if you’d like to nominate any third-party authorities on the account. If you’d like to nominate third parties, we’ll also ask you for their details.
  10. Application administration: Let us know what the preferred email address is for managing this application. This can either be your email address or your client’s.
  11. The information about the Trust that’s been entered into the application will be prepopulated into a digital verification form. A financial adviser with a Macquarie ID is required to complete the verification by entering their details, including their Macquarie ID.

Ready to open an account?

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.

Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

To apply for CMA account for an unregulated trust, you’ll need to provide the following documents:

  1. Let us know if you'd like to open an individual trustee or a company trustee.
  2. Trust details: Please provide us with the trust details, including:
    • Name of the trust
    • Full name of business (if any)
    • Australian Business Number (ABN). Please note that the SMSF must have a complying or registered status.
    • Details of any foreign tax residency. Please note: we are unable to accept applications for foreign trusts or entities.
    • Source of wealth 

  3. Trustee details: Please provide us with details of the Trustees of the Trust, including:
    • For an individual trustee:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Any other name known by
      • Date of birth
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Occupation
      • Source of wealth
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
    • For a company trustee:
      • The company’s name and ACN
      • Industry in which the company operates
      • Source of wealth
      • Registered office and principal place of business address/es
      • Company officer details, including:
        • Full legal name (including any middle names)
        • Any other name known by
        • Date of birth
        • Occupation
        • Mobile number
        • Email address
        • Residential address
        • Source of wealth
        • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account? 
    • Company beneficial owner details, including:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Date of birth
      • Occupation
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Source of wealth
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
  4. Trust beneficial owner details: Please provide us with details of the beneficial owners of the trust, including:
  5. Account preferences: Please provide us with the following details:
    • If you’d like to nominate another bank account for fund transfers, we‘ll ask you the account details for this account. Nominating an account for fund transfers allows you to make transfers to that account which can exceed the PayAnyone limit.
    • Details about how the account will be funded and what the account will be used for.
  6. Account authorities: Let us know if you’d like to nominate any third-party authorities on the account. If you’d like to nominate third parties, we’ll also ask you for their details.
  7. Application administration: Let us know what the preferred email address is for managing this application. This can either be your email address or your client’s.

Ready to open an account?

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.

Company or business application

To apply for a company or business CMA, you’ll need to provide the following information to us: 

  1. Company applicant details: 
    • Company name
    • ACN
    • Australian Business Number (ABN) and Tax File Number (TFN), or a reason for exemption
    • Details of any foreign tax residency. Please note: we are unable to accept applications for foreign trusts or entities
    • Industry in which the company operates
    • Source of wealth
    • The company type (Active non-financial entity (NFE), financial institution, Australian registered charity or other)
    • Registered office and principal place of business address/es
    • Details of the company officers, including:
      • Title
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Any other name known by
      • Date of birth
      • Occupation
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Source of wealth
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
    • Company beneficial owner details, including:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Date of birth
      • Occupation
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Source of wealth
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
  2. Account preferences
    • If you’d like to nominate another bank account for fund transfers, we’ll ask you the account details for this account. Nominating an account for fund transfers allows you to make transfers to that account which can exceed the PayAnyone limit.
    • Details about how the account will be funded and what the account will be used for.
  1. Account authorities: Let us know if you’d like to nominate any third-party authorities on the account. If you’d like to nominate third parties, we’ll also ask you for their details.
  2. Application administration: Let us know what the preferred email address is for managing this application. This can either be your email address or the client/company’s email address.

Ready to open an account?

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.  

Sole trader application

To apply for a sole trader CMA, you’ll need to provide the following information to us:

  1. Applicant details:
    • Full legal name (including any middle names)
    • Any other name known by
    • Date of birth
    • Mobile number
    • Email address
    • Residential address
    • Occupation
    • Source of wealth
    • Tax file number
    • Details of any foreign tax residency, including a Tax Identification Number (TIN) if applicable
    • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
    • Name of business
    • ABN
    • Industry and nature of business activity
    • Registered office and principal place of business address/es.
  2. Account preferences: Please provide us with the following details:
    • If you’d like to nominate another bank account for fund transfers, we’ll ask you the account details for this account. Nominating an account for fund transfers allows for transfers to that account which can exceed the PayAnyone limit.
    • Details about how the account will be funded and what the account will be used for.
  3. Account authorities: Let us know if you’d like to nominate any third-party authorities on the account. If you’d like to nominate third parties, we’ll also ask you for their details. 
  4. Application administration: Let us know what the preferred email address is for managing this application. This can either be your email or your client’s.


Ready to open an account?

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.

Incorporated association or bodies application

To apply on behalf of an incorporated association or body, you’ll need to provide the following information:

  1. Incorporated association or body details:
    • Full name of incorporated association body and the association type. Please note we’re unable to accept applications from unincorporated associations or bodies online.
    • The name of the body responsible for registration
    • Registration or incorporation number
    • ABN
    • Details of any foreign tax residency including a Tax Identification Number (TIN) if applicable – Please note: we are unable to accept applications for foreign incorporated associations or bodies.
      • Industry in which the company operates
      • Source of wealth
      • Registered office and principal place of business address/es
    • Nominate two individuals who will approve this application (these individuals are expected to be member of the management committee). For each individual, provide:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Any other name known by
      • Date of birth
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Occupation
      • Source of wealth
      • Details of any foreign tax residency including a Tax Identification Number (TIN), if applicable
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
    • If there are any other association members or office bearers, provide:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Any other name known by
      • Date of birth
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Occupation
      • Source of wealth 
      • Details of any foreign tax residency including a Tax Identification Number (TIN), if applicable
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
    • Provide details of the beneficials owners of the association, including:
      • Full legal name (including any middle names)
      • Date of birth
      • Mobile number
      • Email address
      • Residential address
      • Occupation
      • Source of wealth
      • Details of any foreign tax residency including a Tax Identification Number (TIN), if applicable
      • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport.) If we can't electronically verify the client, we will require a certified copy of ID. For more information, see our article What identification documents are required to open a Cash Management Account?
  2. Account preferences: Provide us with the following details:
    • If you’d like to nominate another bank account for fund transfers, we’ll ask you the account details for this account. Nominating an account for fund transfers allows for transfers to that account which can exceed the PayAnyone limit.
    • Details about how the account will be funded and what the account will be used for.
  3. Account authorities: Let us know if you’d like to nominate any third-party authorities on the account. If you’d like to nominate third parties, we’ll also ask you for their details. 
  4. Application administration: Let us know what the preferred email address is for managing this application. This can either be your email or your client’s.

Ready to open an account?

You can submit your application online, via the Adviser Online portal.

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