Manage payments

You can use the Manage payments page to: 

  • search for and filter the list of payments
  • see the status of a payment, what actions need to be completed and the details of payments, 
  • approve and cancel payments. 

You can cancel any payment that hasn’t been fully approved. 

  • Once off payments, that have been fully approved can’t be stopped or cancelled
  • Future dated payments, that have been fully approved, can only be cancelled if the future payment date hasn’t been reached
  • Scheduled payments, that have been fully approved, can be cancelled, however if the payment includes an end date the payment can only be cancelled if the end date hasn’t been reached.

Cancelling a scheduled payment doesn’t impact any payments that have already been processed. 

The list of payments on the page is automatically filtered by payments that are pending approval. 

Cancel a payment

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. From the side navigation hover over Payments and select Manage payments
  3. Search for the payment
  4. Click Actions menu on the payment row
  5. Select Cancel payment
  6. Select Yes, cancel.

View statuses for payments

The Manage payments page will indicate any steps completed and steps that need to be completed for each payment. 

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. From the side navigation hover over Payments and select Manage payments
  3. Search for the payment
  4. Click anywhere on the payment row to expand the row
  5. You can see completed actions and any outstanding actions:
    • Pending approval: Authorisation has been sent to the authoriser/s but your client needs to approve the payment via Macquarie Authenticator.
    • Saved – send authorisation: The payment has been saved but the authorisation still needs to be sent to the authoriser/s.
    • Approved: An approval has been completed but there has been an issue submitting the payment. Payments in this status still need to be submitted for processing by clicking the Submit button.
    • Denied Indicates that an authoriser has denied the payment in their Macquarie Authenticator app.
    • Complete: The authorisation process has been completed successfully.
    • Cancelled: The payment has been cancelled.
    • Expired: A future dated or reccuring payment that was authorised before the start date. Expired payments can no longer be authorised but can be cancelled.
  6. Click anywhere on the row to collapse the row.
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