Getting started

SMA transfers are available in the following:

  • IDPS to IDPS
  • IDPS to Super or Pension
  • Super to Pension
  • Pension to Super
  • Pension to IDPS
  • Super to IDPS.

SMA transfers are not available in the following:

  • Any product to or from Consolidator Engage.

Things you should know before you get started:

  • The assets must be available on the applicable Investment Menu to be held on platform.
  • If the assets you are seeking to transfer into the SMA are not consistent with the SMA Portfolio(s) weightings, those assets will be sold to re-align with the target weightings.
  • Any assets you have selected to partially transfer out of the SMA may be subsequently repurchased. This will occur as part of the ongoing SMA rebalancing:
  • All transfers into or out of fund superannuation accounts will occur as a change of beneficial ownership (CBO) transfer and will trigger a CGT event. This is because the beneficial owner of the account is the superannuation plan, not the member (e.g. super to IDPS and IDPS to super or pension).
  • Transfers count towards the applicable contribution cap(s) and are subject to superannuation rules as outlined in the taxation and superannuation law.
  • The client’s Tax File Number (TFN) must be provided before we are able to accept any personal contributions into their super account.
  • For pension accounts, please ensure you don't exceed the transfer balance cap. Pension starting values are calculated after all assets, rollovers and/or contributions are received, and may differ to the initial transfer value due to market movement.
  • Where in-specie transferring assets out of a SMA, please ensure the minimum SMA holding requirement is maintained.
  • If transferring out all assets and closing your SMA, all assets must be available on the applicable investment menu. If the asset isn’t accepted on the applicable menu, it will be redeemed and the proceeds will be transferred to the destination account.
  • If your SMA has unsettled trades or incoming dividends, this may extend the time to process your request.

Transferring from one SMA to another

Transferring assets between SMAs within the same Wrap account is available for all products. Please complete the Asset Transfer form completed with the following:

  • Section 1 - Current Account Details
  • Section 3 - SMA Transfer Instructions, Part B – I would like to transfer assets between SMAs: 
    • within Section 3, specify which SMAs you will be transferring between, and elect the box that indicates your intention, either a full transfer and closure of SMA, or partial
    • if completing a partial transfer, provide the list of assets and units, as well as any cash you’d like to transfer out of the SMA in Section 4 - Asset(s) to Transfer
  • Section 5 - Declaration and Signatures is required to be signed by the account owner if the account owner is submitting the form, or if you’re submitting on behalf of a client and you don’t have ‘Full Transact’ authority.

Please note, for transferring into or out of more than one SMA, you’ll need to provide a separate form for each transfer.

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties (where available), documentation can be uploaded via Macquarie Request Centre by an adviser or individual with 'Full Transact' authority.

Transfer an SMA between IDPS accounts

To transfer an SMA between products IDPS accounts, please complete the Asset Transfer form with the following:

  • Section 1 - Current Account Details
  • Section 2 – In-species Transfer Buyer and Seller Details
  • Section 4 – Asset(s) to Transfer
    • If completing a partial transfer, provide the list of assets and units, as well as any cash you’d like to transfer out of the SMA
    • If completing a full transfer, specify the SMA details and elect the ‘Full holdings’ option
  • Section 5 - Declaration and Signatures is required to be signed by the account owner if the account owner is submitting the form, or if you’re submitting on behalf of a client and you don’t have ‘Full Transact’ authority.

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties (where available), documentation can be uploaded via Macquarie Request Centre by an adviser or individual with 'Full Transact' authority.

Transfer an SMA from IDPS to a super or pension

To transfer an SMA from an IDPS account to either super or pension account, please complete the Asset Transfer form with the following:

  • Section 1 - Current Account Details
  • Section 2 – In-species Transfer Buyer and Seller Details
  • Section 4 – Asset(s) to Transfer
    • If completing a partial transfer, provide the list of assets and units, as well as any cash you’d like to transfer out of the SMA
    • If completing a full transfer, specify the SMA details and elect the ‘Full holdings’ option
  • Section 5 - Declaration and Signatures is required to be signed by the account owner if the account owner is submitting the form, or if you’re submitting on behalf of a client and you don’t have ‘Full Transact’ authority.

Additional documents will be required for transfers into super/pension, please refer to Internal transfers between Macquarie Wrap accounts.

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties (where applicable), please upload the documents via Macquarie Request Centre by an adviser or individual with ‘Full Transact' authority.

Switching an SMA between super and pension

This is completed as part of the super to pension switch functionality using the online switching tool, which will be electronically approved by the client. The functionality allows clients to switch both from super to pension and pension to super.

Transfer an SMA from a super to an IDPS

To transfer an SMA from a super account to IDPS, please complete the Asset Transfer form with the following:

  • Section 1 - Current Account Details
  • Section 2 – In-species Transfer Buyer and Seller Details
  • Section 4 – Asset(s) to Transfer
    • If completing a partial transfer, provide the list of assets and units, as well as any cash you’d like to transfer out of the SMA
    • If completing a full transfer, specify the SMA details and elect the ‘Full holdings’ option
  • Section 5 - Declaration and Signatures is required to be signed by the account owner if the account owner is submitting the form, or if you’re submitting on behalf of a client and you don’t have ‘Full Transact’ authority.

Additional documents will be required for transfers into super/pension, please refer to Internal transfers between Macquarie Wrap accounts.

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties (where applicable), please upload the documents via Macquarie Request Centre by an adviser or individual with ‘Full Transact' authority.

Transfer in-specie assets from SMA to linked Wrap

In-specie transfer of assets out of an SMA to the linked wrap is available on all accounts except Engage. The requirements are as follows:

Asset Transfer form completed with the following:

  • Section 1 - Current Account Details
  • Section 3 - SMA Transfer Instructions, Part C – I would like to transfer assets OUT OF an SMA, back to the linked Wrap account.
  • Within Section 3, specify which SMA you will be transferring out of, and elect the box that indicates you intention, either a full transfer and closure of SMA, or partial
  • If completing a partial transfer, provide the list of assets and units, as well as any cash you’d like to transfer out of the SMA in Section 4 - Asset(s) to Transfer
  • Section 5 - Declaration and Signatures is required to be signed by the account owner if the account owner of the account and submitting the form, or if you’re submitting on behalf of a client and you don’t have ‘Full Transact’ authority.

For transfers our of more than one SMA, you’ll need to provide a separate form for each transfer.

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties, please upload the documents via Macquarie Request Centre by an adviser or individual with ‘Full Transact' authority. 

Transfer in-specie underlying assets from Wrap to SMA

The following sections of the Asset Transfer form must be completed to transfer assets into your SMA from your linked Wrap account:

  • Section 1 - Current Account Details
  • Section 3 - SMA Transfer Instructions, Part A -  would like to transfer assets INTO an SMA. 
  • In this section, include the SMA code:
    • if you will be transferring all Wrap assets or a selection of assets to the SMA, and
    • if cash is to be transferred.
  • When you are not transferring all Wrap assets, you will need to specify the assets in Section 4 - Asset(s) to Transfer.
  • Section 5 - Declaration and Signatures is required to be signed by the account owner if you’re the owner of the account and submitting the form, or if you’re submitting on behalf of a client and you don’t have 'Full Transact’ authority. 

For transfers into more than one SMA, you’ll need to provide a separate form for each transfer.

Once all transfer paperwork is completed and signed by your client or relevant parties, please upload the documents via Macquarie Request Centre by an adviser or individual with ‘Full Transact' authority. 

Suspended/delisted equities

You can’t transfer suspended or de-listed equities into an SMA. Where possible, suspended or de-listed equities may be transferred out of the SMA to the client’s Wrap account. For more information see Worthless shares.

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