Boost your clients' savings

A Macquarie Term Deposit offers a simple, secure investment to help boost your clients' savings. 
Hand holding a tablet writing on a tablet outside at a cafe
Be confident that your clients’ money is invested securely and with a competitive fixed interest rate.


Perfect for existing clients

Your clients can hold a term deposit as part of their wrap portfolio or link one directly to their Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA), giving you more flexibility to manage their investments.

Flexible payments and terms

Your clients can choose how often they’d like to receive interest payments and we offer a range of terms to suit their needs and overall investment strategies. 

Quick and secure online set-up

With the ease of an online application with electronic verification, you can begin the application process on behalf of your client and track its progress. 

Once set up, you can securely access and manage your client’s term deposit, and update their maturity instructions to reinvest or withdraw funds.

Award-winning1 SMSF solution

By linking our award-winning term deposit and cash solutions,  you can simplify your clients' self-managed super fund (SMSF) accounting, tax returns and end-of-year financial reporting.

Shot of a mature businessman discussing ideas with his colleagues during a meeting at work

Why cash flow matters

Cash flow management is an essential building block for a strong financial foundation. Help your clients understand why cash flow management is increasingly important for growing their wealth and reaching lifestyle goals.

All interest rates

As we move to more digital ways of working, we’re no longer accepting paper applications for Term Deposits.

These rates apply to financial advisers only. If you are a Macquarie Business Banking client please contact your relationship manager for applicable term deposit rates.

I want to deposit...

Rates for term deposits of $1 million and under

TermInterest paid at maturityInterest paid monthlyInterest paid quarterlyInterest paid half yearlyInterest paid annually
1 month2.10% p.a.    
2 months2.10% p.a.2.10% p.a.   
3 months4.55% p.a.4.53% p.a.   
4 months4.50% p.a.4.47% p.a.   
6 months4.45% p.a.4.41% p.a.4.43% p.a.  
9 months4.40% p.a.4.34% p.a.4.35% p.a.  
1 year4.35% p.a.4.27% p.a.4.28% p.a.4.30% p.a. 
2 years 3.83% p.a.3.84% p.a.3.86% p.a.3.90% p.a.
3 years 3.74% p.a.3.75% p.a.3.76% p.a.3.80% p.a.
4 years 3.74% p.a.3.75% p.a.3.76% p.a.3.80% p.a.
5 years 3.74% p.a.3.75% p.a.3.76% p.a.3.80% p.a.


The above interest rates are current as at 5 March 2025 and are subject to change. The interest rate that you’ll receive on your Term Deposit may vary depending on when your application is processed and will be confirmed at account opening.

These rates apply to Macquarie Personal Banking clients only. If you’re a Macquarie Business Banking client please contact your Relationship Manager for applicable Term Deposit rates.

Term Deposit funds are locked in until maturity. Learn about withdrawing funds prior to maturity.

If you’re opening multiple term deposit accounts with similar investment terms within a short period of time, we may, acting reasonably, choose to apply the lower rate across the total balance of your term deposits.

Rates for term deposits greater than $1 million

TermInterest paid at maturityInterest paid monthlyInterest paid quarterlyInterest paid half yearlyInterest paid annually
1 month2.10% p.a.    
2 months2.10% p.a.2.10% p.a.   
3 months4.30% p.a.4.28% p.a.   
4 months4.25% p.a.4.23% p.a.   
6 months4.20% p.a.4.16% p.a.4.18% p.a.  
9 months4.15% p.a.4.09% p.a.4.11% p.a.  
1 year4.10% p.a.4.02% p.a.4.04% p.a.4.06% p.a. 
2 years 3.54% p.a.3.55% p.a.3.57% p.a.3.60% p.a.
3 years 3.45% p.a.3.45% p.a.3.47% p.a.3.50% p.a.
4 years 3.45% p.a.3.45% p.a.3.47% p.a.3.50% p.a.
5 years 3.45% p.a.3.45% p.a.3.47% p.a.3.50% p.a.


The above interest rates are current as at 5 March 2025 and are subject to change. The interest rate that you’ll receive on your Term Deposit may vary depending on when your application is processed and will be confirmed at account opening.

These rates apply to Macquarie Personal Banking clients only. If you’re a Macquarie Business Banking client please contact your Relationship Manager for applicable Term Deposit rates.

Term Deposit funds are locked in until maturity. Learn about withdrawing funds prior to maturity.

Terms and conditions

Term Deposit Account Terms and ConditionsView conditions
Term deposit Application GuideDownload PDF

How to apply

As we move to more digital ways of working, we’re no longer accepting paper applications for Term Deposits. Our electronic verification makes it faster and easier than ever to apply online. Visit Help Centre to learn how.

New to Macquarie?

  • Check that Macquarie is available on your approved product list.
  • Register yourself to start opening term deposits by completing our adviser registration form.
  • If you’d like to find out more about our term deposits, request a call below and one of our specialists will be in touch. 


Already registered?

After you're registered, use the login below to open a term deposit online. 

Log in to your account

Frequently asked questions

Your client can hold either a Macquarie Term Deposit or a Wrap Term Deposit.

Macquarie Term Deposits

Both clients and advisers are notified two weeks before a term deposit matures. This allows time for your client to consider and change their maturity instructions.

You can update the maturity instructions for your client until 2:30pm (Sydney time) the day of maturity.

To update or provide maturity instructions:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online

  2. Search for the account number using the search bar

  3. Select the account and select account details

  4. In the Maturity instructions tile, click Set up or Edit 

  5. Make the relevant changes and click submit.

Provide instructions during the grace period

After your client’s term deposit has matured, there will be a grace period of 5 business days or 7 calendar days (whichever is longer) to make certain changes to the term deposit details or close the account and withdraw funds. 

Please note, if you or your client has previously provided maturity instructions to close the term deposit, changes cannot be made during the grace period and the term deposit will be closed at maturity.  

To submit instructions during the grace period:  

  1. Log in to Adviser Online  

  2. Search for the account number using the search bar  

  3. Select the account and select Account details 

  4. Under term deposit details, in the grace period callout, click Update 

  5. Make the relevant changes and click Submit.  

Wrap Term Deposits

You can update the maturity instructions for Term Deposits held within a Wrap account until 9pm (Sydney time) one business day before the maturity date.

To amend the maturity details for your client's Wrap TD:

  1. Log into Adviser Online

  2. Select Clients from the main navigation

  3. Select Wrap account administration from the sub-navigation

  4. Select Maintain an/a investment/superannuation/pension account

  5. Choose your client’s account and proceed

  6. Select Enter or maintain term deposit maturity election.

Please note: For rollovers, the elected maturity instructions will continue to apply unless modified online (by 9pm Sydney time one business day before the maturity date).

There are no changes to the term deposit options as part of the launch of Evolution and the Consolidator II and Manager II products. There are no differences between the term deposit options offered between the Consolidator II – Engage and the Consolidator II – Elevate Investment Menus.

Term deposits are available from:

  • Macquarie Bank
  • ANZ
  • National Australia Bank.

Your clients will be able to view their statements online once issued. This depends on the statement cycles which differs based on the product.

Cash Management Accounts

By default, your clients will receive their cash statements in half-yearly cycles. They can change this though if they want statements more frequently. The options for statement deliveries are:

  • Half Yearly: January-June; July-December
  • Quarterly: January-March; April-June; July-September; October-December
  • Monthly.

Statements are available online the day after the last day in the statement cycle. This includes weekends. Statements are also available online for up to ten years. Your client can elect to receive hard copies of their statements via the post. Please note that fees may apply for hard copy statements.

For more details see

For more information about statements, see Do clients receive tax statements and statements via mail?

For information about how clients can change their statement frequency see this article.

Cash Management Accelerator Accounts

Your clients will receive their Accelerator statements in half-yearly cycles by default. They can change this if they want to receive statements quarterly or monthly instead.

Term Deposits

Your clients will receive their half yearly term deposit statements by mail. These are sent out every 6 months (January and July) and at closure.

IDPS Accounts

Your clients can access their annual and quarterly statements for their Wrap Investment accounts online.

Quarterly statements are available online by the end of the month following the financial quarter. That is the end of January, April, and October each year. Annual statements are available before the end of July.

Superannuation and Pension Accounts

Your clients can access their half yearly report and annual statement for their super and pension accounts online.

As an adviser you can view and download your client’s statements through Adviser Online. However, you won’t be able to change their statement preferences.

At Macquarie, we empower people to innovate and invest for a better future.

We take our obligations as a responsible lender and a signatory to the Banking Code of Practice seriously, and we’re proud to reward our savers and borrowers with award-winning products including great rates, choice and an exceptional experience.  

Deposits held by Macquarie Bank support our lending to Australian households and businesses, including home loans, vehicle loans and loans to support local small to medium sized businesses.

Macquarie’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitment reflects our responsibility to our clients, shareholders and the communities in which we operate.

Contact us

Need help? If you’re an adviser, please contact us via live chat in Adviser Online. If you’re a client, please call

1800 806 310

Talk to us today

To speak to a specialist complete this form and we'll be in touch.

Help and support

Visit our Adviser Help Centre and search our adviser FAQs.

Additional information

This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 for the use of licensed and accredited brokers and financial advisers only. In no circumstances is it to be used by a potential client for the purposes of making a decision about a financial product or class of products.

The Macquarie Bank Term Deposit is issued by Macquarie Bank. The offer documents for the products referred to on this page are available on the Macquarie website and investors should consider the relevant offer document in deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold a Macquarie product.

Target Market Determinations are available at our Design and Distribution hub.


Winner of the SMSF Awards 2019 Cash and Term Deposit Platforms.