Account statements

Your clients will be able to view their statements online once issued. The statement cycles varies for each product.

Cash Management Accounts

By default, your clients with Cash Management Accounts will receive their cash statements in half-yearly cycles. They can change this if they want statements more frequently. The options for statement deliveries are:

  • Half Yearly: January-June; July-December
  • Quarterly: January-March; April-June; July-September; October-December
  • Monthly

Statements are available online the day after the last day in the statement cycle, including weekends, and remain online for up to ten years. Your client can choose to receive hard copies via post. Fees may apply for hard copy statements.

Cash Management Accelerator Accounts

Your clients will receive their Accelerator statements in half-yearly cycles by default, but can choose to receive them quarterly or monthly instead.

Term deposits

Your clients will receive their half-yearly term deposit statements by mail. These are sent out every 6 months at the end of June and December.

IDPS accounts

Your clients can access their annual statements for their Wrap Investment accounts online.

IDPS annual statements are available within 30 days of the end of the financial year.

Superannuation and Pension accounts

Your clients can access their annual statement for their super and pension accounts online.

As an adviser, you can view and download your client’s statements through Adviser Online. However, you won’t be able to change their statement preferences.

Rollover statements

We don’t offer downloadable rollover benefit statements for advisers. Clients will receive an exit statement when they close their super or pension account.

Tax reports

Tax reports are also only available online, unless the account is closed. Closed accounts will receive a mailed tax statement.

Online statements

Our products have been designed to ensure you can access account information securely, quickly and conveniently online. Adviser Online makes it easy to run account reports at any time, which is why we'll no longer produce quarterly IDPS statements.

Alternatively, you can run account reporting in Adviser Online or the Client Portal including the Portfolio Review Report, Portfolio Summary Report, Cash Transactions Report or the Fee Statement. A ‘quarterly pack’ template is also available under Report Builder in Adviser Online.

As part of our ongoing digitisation, our default delivery method for all IDPS annual statements will be online.

Quarterly statements will no longer be available from August 2024. Clients who are invested in the below products can opt back into quarterly IDPS statements and/or hard copies of their annual statements by emailing before Saturday 31 August 2024.

  • Macquarie Investment Accumulator
  • Macquarie Investment Manager
  • Macquarie Investment Consolidator
  • Macquarie Investment.

Switch to online statements

Your clients can choose to stop receiving a paper copy of their statements by sending an email to with their Wrap account number and the instruction, “I/We wish to opt-out of receiving hard copy statements.

Any change to the method or frequency of statement delivery will take place on the first day of the next statement cycle.

Clients that opened a super or pension account after 1 July 2019 or hold a Series II product won't be able to receive a hard copy statement.

Please note that paper statements aren’t available for Macquarie Online Trading accounts.

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