What is changing to Fee Authority?

We’re renaming the name the Third-Party Authority, currently known as Fee authority to Financial Services Debit Authority later this year.

We’re making this change as part of our ongoing commitment to uplift our security measures in relation to account withdrawals. Financial Services Debit Authority also better reflects the nature of these type of withdrawals by third party firms such as financial advisers, accountants and administrators.

Financial Services Debit Authority will allow you to authorise your adviser to make withdrawals from your cash account to an account held in the name of or controlled by the adviser’s company or firm, through which they are licensed to provide financial services to you.

What this means for you

As part of this change, we’ll update our terms and conditions and our Third-Party Authority form to reflect the new name (i.e. Fee Authority will be replaced with Financial Services Debit Authority).

As part of this change, we’ll get in touch with you as you may need to provide your consent to authorise the financial services company/s (i.e., your adviser) you’ve currently authorised with Fee Authority to withdraw fees on your behalf under the new name: Financial Services Debit Authority.

Please note that Financial Services Debit Authority doesn’t override any Wrap related fees (including both Superannuation and Investment accounts) already agreed between you and your adviser.

If you have an active Fee Authority arrangement

We’ll get in touch with you to notify you of this change if you have an active Fee Authority arrangement with a financial services company (i.e., where fees have been charged under Fee Authority in the past 18 months).

If you’d like to authorise the financial services company/s you’ve currently authorised with Fee authority to withdraw fees on your behalf under the new name: Financial Services Debit Authority, you’ll need to provide your consent by 8 November 2023.

If you provide your consent, no further action is required.

if we don’t receive your consent by 8 November 2023, the financial services company (i.e., your adviser) will still be able to view your accounts however they won’t be able to make payments under Financial Services Debit Authority when it replaces Fee Authority later this year.

How to provide your consent

If you have an email address with us, we’ll send you an email to notify you of these changes and you’ll be able to provide your consent electronically within the email we send you. We’ll send this email to all account holders who need to provide consent for your account.

If you don’t have an email address with us, we’ll send you a letter to notify you of these changes and include an enclosed form you can sign and send back to us. We’ll send this letter to the primary account holder of your account.

At anytime you can complete and send us a new Third Party Authority form to update the existing Third Party Authorities on your account/s.

Consent requirements

It’s important to note:

  • For personal and joint accounts, all account holders must provide their consent.
  • For company accounts, two directors, a director and a secretary, or a sole director must provide their consent. Please note that the directors/secretary who provide consent must be existing account signatories.

We’ve been in touch with the third party you’ve currently authorised with Fee authority about these changes and we encourage you to speak to them if you have any questions.

If you have an inactive Fee Authority arrangement

We’ll get in touch with you to notify you of this change if you have an inactive Fee Authority arrangement with a financial services company (i.e., where fees have not been charged under Fee Authority in the past 18 months).

Please note you don’t need to do anything in relation to this change as the financial services company you’ve currently authorised with Fee Authority has not made a withdrawal for some time. From 1 December 2023 these third-party firms will no longer be authorised with Fee authority, however they will still be able to view your account/s.

If you’d like to authorise a third party with the new Financial Services Debit Authority, speak to them and complete a new Third-Party Authority form.

We’ve been in touch with the third party you’ve currently authorised with Fee authority about these changes and we encourage you to speak to them if you have any questions

If you have also authorised a Third Party with General Withdrawal Authority

We’ll get in touch with you to notify you of this change if you have authorised a financial services company with both Fee Authority and General Withdrawal Authority.

Please note you don’t need to do anything in relation to this change. We’ll automatically migrate the third-party company to the new Financial Services Debit Authority when it’s made available as General Withdrawal Authority is the highest level of authority you can provide third parties to make payments and withdrawals.

At any time, you can update or revoke the current authorities on your account by completing a new Third Party Authority form.

We’ve been in touch with the third party you’ve currently authorised with Fee authority about these changes and we encourage you to speak to them if you have any questions.

Updated Third Party Authority form

Transitory TPA Form
Simplify setup of third party authorities on your clients' accounts by using the new Macquarie Third Party Authority Form.
Download here (PDF)

Frequently asked questions

The following products are impacted by this change:

  • Macquarie Cash Management Account
  • Macquarie Vision Cash Account
  • Macquarie Wrap Cash Account
  • Macquarie Consolidator Account

This change will impact you depending on whether you have:

  • An active Fee Authority arrangement with a Third Party
  • An inactive Fee Authority arrangement with a Third Party
  • Both Fee Authority and General Withdrawal authority authorised for a Third Party

Please refer to the section above What do I need to do.

We’ll get in touch with you as you’ll need to complete a new Third Party Authority form to authorise the financial services company to withdraw fees on your behalf under the new Financial Services Debit Authority.

It’s important to note:

  • For personal and joint accounts, all account holders must provide their consent.
  • For company accounts, two directors, a director and a secretary, or a sole director must provide their consent. Please note that the directors/secretary who provide consent must be existing account signatories.

If you don’t provide your consent by 25 October 2023, the financial services company you’ve currently authorised with Fee Authority will still be able to view your accounts. However, they won’t be able to make payments under the new Financial Services Debit when it replaces Fee Authority.

At any time you can complete a new Third Party Authority form to authorise a financial services company with the new Financial Services Debit Authority or any authority level you wish, as well as update or revoke any existing Third Party Authorities on your account.

You can complete a new third-party authority form to authorise a third-party company with the new Financial Services Debit Authority or any authority level you wish. You can also use this form to, update or revoke any existing third-party authorities on your account.

Please consider carefully who you appoint as a third- party authority on your account/s. They will have access to your account details and personal information.

We’ve been in touch with the third-party you’ve currently authorised with Fee Authority about these changes, and we encourage you to speak to them if you have any questions.