You can request a statement for a closed account by calling us. You’ll need to have authority over the account to request a statement.


Request a statement   

Transaction and Savings Account

133 174

Business Savings Account

1800 620 673

Cash Management Account and Cash Management Accelerator Account

1800 806 310

Consolidator Cash Account

1800 806 310

Term Deposit

1300 739 980

Home Loan

We’ll send you a closing statement when you discharge your home loan. 

For past statements, get in touch with a Macquarie consultant using live chat.

Credit Card  

1300 150 300 (+61 2 8232 1684), 24/7

Macquarie Wrap

1800 025 063, 9am to 5pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday 

Macquarie Vision

1800 501 562, 8am to 7pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday

Macquarie Car Loan

1300 364 050, 9am to 5pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday

Please note that we may charge a fee for this service.

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