What your statement shows

You can view information like, past transactions, interest charged, your interest rate and account balance on your statement.

Download a statement from Macquarie Online Banking

  1. Hover over your account in the account list
  2. Select I want to
  3. Select View account statements & reports in the menu drop-down
  4. Choose the statement and select the icon to download the statement. If you're generating a statement between specific dates, enter the dates and then select Generate
  5. Once the file has finished downloading, access the statement from your browser status bar.

Download a statement from the Macquarie Mobile Banking app

  1. Select an account from the account list
  2. Select the I want to button
  3. Select View account statements in the menu
  4. Choose the statement and select the icon to download the statement. If you're generating a statement between specific dates, enter the dates and then select Generate
  5. You can view the statement.

Past statements

Depending on the account you have with us, you can view past statements from the last 2-10 years. You can see how far back when you log on. 

Please note, some account statements are not available online. If you’re unable to access your statement, get in touch with a Macquarie consultant using live chat.

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