To produce CSV files of transactions across one or more accounts in Macquarie Business Online, you can complete a transaction search (to learn more, visit Search for transactions).
Alternatively, you can produce a CSV file at the account level. To do this you’ll need to:
- Log in to Macquarie Business Online
- Select the account you wish to produce a CSV file for
- You can choose to export all transactions on the account or apply a filter/search to export certain transactions only
- Select CSV download icon on the right-hand side of the screen.
When applying filters or searching across transactions at the account level your export will include only the transactions which match that filter/search.
Regardless of whether you’re exporting your transactions at the account level or via a transaction search, before you download your CSV file, you’ll need to select your preferred transaction order. You have two options:
Credit-Debit order | Your transactions will be sorted by credits then debits per date processed, across your selected date range. The date range will be listed in ascending order (earliest date to most recent).
Important note for transaction search: If you’ve selected multiple accounts in your transaction search, the transactions will be sorted by credits then debits per date processed, across your selected date range in ascending order. They’ll also be grouped by account number.
Chronological order | Your transactions will be sorted by the date and time they were processed. They’ll be listed in descending order (most recent to earliest date).
Important note for transaction search: If you’ve selected multiple accounts in your transaction search, the transactions will be sorted by the date and time they were processed in descending order. Additionally, transactions for each processing date will also be grouped by account number.
Your file will be automatically downloaded to your downloads folder.