Direct Downloads

Direct Downloads is a service that automatically downloads and/or imports of the daily transaction files from Macquarie Business Online (MBO) into a selection of business management software.

There are four different file types available: transaction files (.txn), pay files (.pay), BPAY® files (.brf), and account files (.acc).

We’ve included a summary of each file type for you below.

Transaction fileA list of all account transactions.
Pay fileContains details of all your payments within your DEFT settlement.
BPAY fileIf you use a unique biller code for your BPAY transactions, those BPAY transactions will appear in this file.
Account fileThis file contains your account details, including the interest rate and any maturity dates.

Direct Uploads

Direct Uploads allows you to upload an Australian Banking Association (ABA) file or BPAY payment files directly from your business management software into Macquarie Business Online (MBO). It also lets you find out the status of an ABA or BPAY file from within your software.

Any files you upload through your business management software may contain warnings, which you’ll be able to see in Macquarie Business Online.

If the file has warnings, you’ll need to accept these before the file can be approved and payments made.

If you can’t see your file in MBO, it may contain errors that stopped it from uploading. Please refer to your business management software to review any error messages.

How do I accept warnings on an ABA or BPAY file?

  1. Log in to Macquarie Business Online
  2. Navigate to Task Centre, and go to your To Do list
  3. Select the pending payment that you wish to view and accept the warnings for
  4. Click View file warning(s)
  5. Review the warnings and if you’re happy to proceed,
  6. click Accept.

Once accepted, the payment will move to Pending Authorisation where you or another authoriser in your business can process the payment by hitting Submit for approval or Approve.

Approving your ABA or BPAY file

A user with authorise level access on the account will need to have their mobile device close by so they can complete the payment approval using the Macquarie Authenticator app, our verification method.

The Macquarie Authenticator app sends users with authoriser level access push notifications so it’s as easy to approve the file in real-time. Learn more about Approving payments.

It’s important to note that they’ll need to review the contents of the payment file before authorising.

How can I use Direct Download or Direct Upload?

To use the Direct Download or Direct Upload service, please speak to your relationship manager to confirm whether your software is eligible and complete an application form.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

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Macquarie Business Online is an online banking experience that can grow with your business and help you achieve your goals.

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