Client reports

There are several reporting options available that enable you to run and download reports across your clients’ accounts.

Today you can access reporting using both Adviser Online and Wrap Online. Over time, Adviser Online will become the single platform where you can access all your clients’ reporting in one place. We’re transitioning to Adviser Online gradually, rebuilding and enhancing the reporting capabilities you currently enjoy, and we’ll make sure every reporting component is available in Adviser Online before we remove them from Wrap Online.

Currently, once logged into Adviser Online, you have the following options to run reports:

Option 1: Report Builder

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. Find a client account for which you want to run a report pack
  3. Select the client account using the global search bar or side navigation
  4. Select the Report Builder tab
  5. Select the reports you want to include in the report pack on the Reports tile
  6. Select your preferred date range and format options for each report
  7. Click the Download button

Option 2: Wrap Online via Quick Links

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. From the global search bar, select Accounts from the drop-down menu
  3. Search for your client’s Wrap account number or name
  4. Select for your client’s Wrap account
  5. Click the Quick Links drop-down menu 
  6. Select Reporting in the Quick Links drop-down menu

Option 3: Wrap Online via side navigation

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. From the side navigation, hover over Reporting and select Client & adviser reporting.

Report Builder templates

We’ve provided you two templates for each of your clients’ Wrap accounts:

  • an EOFY pack
  • a quarterly pack

You can create additional templates by clicking on the New template button on the Templates tile.

Once created, you’ll be taken back to the Report Builder page in Adviser Online and you’ll be able to see your newly created template.

A few things to note:

  • Currently, report packs can only be created for one account, i.e. grouping of accounts isn't possible
  • The templates you create can’t be shared with others in your practice – they’re unique to your profile
  • You can create up to 10 templates for an active account
  • Once an account is closed, new templates can’t be created for that account but you can still see the existing templates
  • All reports you can create on the Reports tile can also be included in a report pack.

Reports across all your clients

To run a client-wide report:

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. From the side navigation, hover over Reporting from the menu and select Client & adviser reporting
  3. Select Run a report across all my clients’ accounts
  4. Select your adviser code.

From here you'll be able to run the following reports.

Investment summaries

This will let you see an investment summary of the accounts under a particular product.

Account listing queries

This will show you all the accounts under an adviser code and the product for each account.

Adviser Reports

This will let you view the security types and securities held by your clients. For more information about viewing your client’s holdings, read the Help Centre article See which clients hold particular assets.

Cash Management Accounts (CMA) reports

To download a list of all your clients’ CMAs:

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. From the side navigation, hover over Clients and select Accounts
  3. Select Add filter and select Product
  4. Search for and select Cash Management Accounts from the product drop-down menu
  5. Select Apply
  6. Click the Download CSV icon to download the list of accounts.

To download a list of CMA transactions:

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. From the side navigation, hover over Clients and select Cash transactions
  3. Select Add filter and select Product
  4. Select Apply
  5. Click the Download CSV icon to download the list of transactions.

To download a bulk export:

Toggle Bulk export and select the product type and select Export.

Adviser level reports

  1. From the side navigation, hover over Reporting and select Clients and adviser
  2. Select download files.

From here you'll be able to run the following reports.


Download transactions for data feeds

On this report you can see investment transactions, cash transactions and income transactions across an adviser code, account group or at an account level. The files will generate in a CSV format.

Download account details

This report will generate in Excel and you’ll be able to view account details across an adviser code, including:

  • Account number and name
  • Client contact details, including address
  • Product type
  • Adviser code and name
  • Adviser contact details
  • TFN status (supplied Y/N)
  • DRP election
  • Download adviser reports.

Download adviser reports

You can view the below information on this report:

  • Portfolio performance holdings by account
  • Remuneration report
  • Dollar Cost Average report
  • Margin lending account listing
  • Accounts with a holding for a fund manager
  • Automatic cash management report
  • Superannuation contributions report
  • Download account details and listings.

Download account details and listings

You can view the below information on this report:

  • Total portfolio value
  • Cash balance
  • Reporting preferences (hard copy/CV online)
  • Less than cash minimum (Y/N).

If a report you’ve selected doesn’t appear, you may have ‘Pop-up blockers’ activated on your computer. You’ll need to switch these off to be able to view the selected reporting.

Chat to us on Adviser Online

Chat in real-time with an adviser consultant Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm Sydney time (excluding public holidays).

Resolve a complaint

Everyone at Macquarie is commited to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it. 

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