Recent developments
Welcome to the December technical roundup, an update of legislative and regulatory developments in the period 3 October to 4 December 2024 that may affect financial services professionals.
In this edition, we’ve included a new section answering a recent adviser question that arose. This month we look at the timing of providing the ATO election form when making a downsizer contribution. This new section will be a regular feature and is aimed at being informative and in some instances help avoid errors that can arise from time to time.
We also look at the Government’s announcement regarding reforms aimed at improving the retirement phase of the superannuation system, ASICs new and updated material concerning the charging of ongoing fees in light of the ongoing reforms and the possible indexation of the general transfer balance cap for 2025-26.
Adviser query of the month
Downsizer contributions and the downsizer form
My client made a superannuation contribution using the proceeds from the sale of their home yesterday. The intention is for this to be a downsizer contribution. Can they provide the Downsizer contribution into superannuation form (NAT 75073-06.2018) to the super fund today?
Unfortunately, the fund is unable to accept the form after the contribution is made.
One of the requirements for a contribution to be classified a downsizer contribution is that the ATO downsizer form is provided to the superannuation fund with or before the contribution is made.
This is a requirement contained in the law (section 292-102(1)(h) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997). There is no discretion for the superannuation fund to accept the form after the contribution is made.
As the fund is unable to accept the form, the contribution will usually count towards the individual’s non-concessional contribution cap or concessional contribution cap if claimed as a tax deduction by the client.
For superannuation products issued by Macquarie, downsizer contributions are to be made by direct debit, not BPAY® or any other contribution method. The ATO downsizer form should be provided with the direct debit form. Where the ATO downsizer form is missing, Macquarie will follow up for the form before initiating the direct debit.
The requirement to provide a specific form with or before the contribution is made is not limited to downsizer contributions. It also applies to:
- Small business CGT contributions – Capital gains tax cap election (NAT71161)
- Personal injury contributions – Contributions for personal injury election (NAT 71162)
- COVID-19 re-contributions – Notice of re-contribution of COVID-19 early release amounts (NAT 75394)