Make a payment or funds transfer

A payee or biller is a person or organisation to whom you want to pay or transfer funds.

Once you’ve logged into Macquarie Business Online, you’ll need to enter the payee’s or biller’s account details before you can pay them or transfer funds to them. You can choose to save these details to your payee list so you can make future payments to them without having to re-enter their account information.

You’ll need the information below to make a payment or a funds transfer to a payee or biller. Double check that you’ve entered these details correctly before submitting your payment request.

To make a funds transfer, you’ll need:

  • account number
  • BSB
  • account name (not used for processing payments).

To pay a bill via BPAY®, you’ll need:

  • biller code
  • customer reference number.

You can add, edit, or delete a payee or biller.

Set up a new payee

A payee list contains all your saved payees so that you can make future payments to them without having to re-enter their account information. Payees and BPAY Billers are all contained within the one payee list.

To add a new payee:

  1. Log in to Macquarie Business Online
  2. On the menu, navigate to Manage then click Payees
  3. Click Add payee or the New payee icon on the top right-hand side
  4. Enter either the BSB or the biller code
  5. Enter the account number or biller reference number
  6. Enter the account name or biller nickname
  7. Click Save
  8. Review your payee details and click Finish.

Your new payee will be marked as ‘New’ and will be approved when your first payment to this new payee is approved. Once approved, it will no longer be marked as ‘New’.

Edit a saved payee

To update the details of a saved payee:

  1. Log in to Macquarie Business Online
  2. On the menu, navigate to Manage then click Payees
  3. Select the payee you wish to edit
  4. Click the pencil icon on the top right-hand side
  5. Enter the required changes to your payee details
  6. Select Save
  7. Review your payee details and click Finish.

Your edited payee will be marked as ‘Modified’ and will be approved when your first payment to this new payee is approved. Once approved, it will no longer be marked as ‘Modified’.

Why can’t I edit my saved payee?

Only approved payees on your saved payee list can be modified. If your payee is marked as ‘New’ or ‘Modified’ on your payee list, you won’t be able to edit it as it hasn't yet been approved.

If you need to change the details of a payee that has not yet been approved, you’ll need to delete that payee and re-enter the correct details. Payees will be approved the first time they are used to make a payment.

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

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