Scams are growing in sophistication every day. It's important that you know about potential risks so that you can better protect your business from fraud.
Here are some simple steps you can take to help protect your online accounts.
Scams are growing in sophistication every day. It's important that you know about potential risks so that you can better protect your business from fraud.
Here are some simple steps you can take to help protect your online accounts.
A strong password is:
If you believe your password has been compromised, change it as soon as possible.
Your devices are your gateway to the internet and need to be protected. Ensure your antivirus software is up to date with the latest version. Avoid using unsecure WiFi networks such as public hotspots for sensitive activity like online banking.
Keep an eye on your accounts and be sure to let us know if you see any transactions that you don’t recognise.
When setting up a payment, it’s important to ensure the BSB and account number are correct. Entering incorrect details may mean the wrong account is credited and it may not be possible to recover the funds.
If you receive an email asking you to make a payment to a new BSB and account number, always verbally check if the request is legitimate. You can do this through a trusted or publicly available phone number.
Log in to Macquarie Business Online
Macquarie Business Online is an online banking experience that can grow with your business and help you achieve your goals.
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Everyone at Macquarie is committed to providing our clients with the highest standard of products and services available. If you have feedback we would like you to tell us about it.
Request a call
Fill out our form so we can review your application and connect you with the right banking specialist.