Types of variations requests

The Customer Solutions Variations team can assist you with your client’s technical variation application. All technical variations are assessed by our credit team and are subject to the requirements of the home loan credit policy. 

Technical variation requests generally take 21-28 calendar days to be processed. This is dependent on how fast we receive all the necessary information and documents e.g. valuation report and loan limit instructions.  

If you’re looking to complete a change to your client’s property, land or title, such as those listed below, please email us the request and relevant documents to mortgagevariations@macquarie.com.  

  • Partial discharge  
  • Substituting your client’s security property (buying and selling) 
  • Adding or removing borrower or guarantor 
  • Consents for property (right of way, to lease, to positive covenant) 
  • Consents for land or title (subdivision, easement, boundary realignment, plan of consolidation) 
  • Adding or removing a mortgagor 
  • Registration of strata plan.

For more information, including variation types and documentation required keep reading or see our Technical and post-settlement variations reference guide.

What is a cover letter? 

You may be required to provide a cover letter or email, written by a broker, client or agent acting on behalf of our client which outlines the technical variation request they wish to submit.  

It should have a brief description of the request, outline the changes that are to be made to the loan and/or security property and any other relevant information including account details impacted by the proposed variation e.g., facility number, account number. 

Partial discharge

A partial discharge is a request to release a security property from a loan facility where multiple security properties are being held and the client does not wish to fully discharge the loan. This means there will be at least one security property that will remain with Macquarie after settlement of the partial discharge request. 

The following documents are required: 

  • An email request outlining the details of the request
  • Acompleted and signed Discharge Authority form or the client can call us on 1800 007 722 to provide their authority 
  • An indicative settlement statement from Client’s Conveyancer/Solicitor (where full net sale proceeds are collected) 
  • Updated Valuations for all remaining securities 
  • Instructions for limit reductions on facility if required. 

 Once formal approval has been received for a variation, instructions will be sent to our solicitors and the settlement will be arranged with our panel solicitors, including signing of documents. The contact details for our solicitors are included within the formal approval email.  

Your client's legal representatives will need to contact our panel solicitor to book the settlement for the variation.  

As the broker assisting, you can contact the solicitor to arrange the next steps to take place, however the client's legal representative is required to confirm settlement with the panel solicitor.

If you are subdividing, a partial discharge can only occur after the subdivision has been fully completed. The partial discharge request is treated as a separate request and can only be processed once our system has been updated with the new subdivided lots. 

Substitution of security

You can request to substitute an existing security property for a new property being purchased or an unencumbered property already owned, so that the existing loan facility remains open.  

For example, if your client is looking to sell a property and purchase a property simultaneously, this could be completed by substitution of security.  

Settlement must occur on the same day.  

The following documents are also required:  

  • A cover letter outlining the instructions 
  • A copy of the full contract of sale for any property being purchased or a copy of the title deed if the property is already owned by your client 
  • A copy of the front page of the contract of sale for the property being sold (to confirm the sale price) 
  • Verification Of Identity (VOI) is required for mortgagor/s if the previous VOI is more than two years old
  • A valuation for the new incoming property
  • All requests are subject to credit approval. 

Next steps after formal approval for a substitution of security

 Once formal approval has been received for a variation, instructions will be sent to our solicitors and the settlement will be arranged with our panel solicitors, including signing of documents. The contact details for our solicitors are included within the formal approval email.  

Your client's legal representatives will need to contact our panel solicitor to book the settlement for the variation.  

As the broker assisting, you can contact the solicitor to arrange the next steps to take place, however the client's legal representative is required to confirm settlement with the panel solicitor. 

Adding or removing borrower or guarantor

You can request to remove a borrower from your client’s existing loan. The request will be subject to a full credit assessment on the remaining borrower/s who will be liable for the remaining debt.  

The following documents are required: 

  • A cover letter outlining the instructions including the reason for the removal of the borrower 
  • A completed and signed Variation Application form from the remaining borrower/s 
  • Evidence of funds to complete (if a payment is required to be made to the borrower being removed) 
  • Completed serviceability calculator 
  • If applicable, a copy of the signed Court Order or Separation Agreement
  • Updated financials from the remaining borrower e.g. 2 most recent pay slips, rental statements etc.

 When removing or adding a borrower, scenarios that will require an internal refinance include:

  • additional funds are being requested for an existing home loan, or
  • the loan is under company /trust structure.

Removal of borrowers are not permitted on SMSF loans and Reverse Mortgages.


Change of name of title

The following documents are required: 

  • A cover letter confirming the name change is to be made on the Certificate of Title 
  • A certified copy of either of the below issued by Births, Deaths and Marriages: 
    • Marriage Certificate; or 
    • Change of Name Certificate; 
  • A Statutory Declaration from your client confirming name change to provide evidence of their old and new signatures 
  • A Verification Of Identity (VOI) required for mortgagor/s if previous VOI is more than 2 years old
  • The account name on the home loan account (and associated accounts) will be updated as a part of this request.

Please note:

Your client can change their name on their home loan and not on their Certificate of Title.

Add a mortgagor to the title of the existing security

The following documents are required:

  • A cover letter outlining the instructions 
  • A copy of the proposed transfer confirming if any priority is required to be paid. 

The above consent is subject to review and approval. 

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