Purpose of your loan

As your client’s circumstances change, it’s important to keep their home loan purpose updated through the life of their loan.

Changing from an investment loan to an owner occupied

To change the purpose of their home loan from investment to owner occupied, your client needs to:

  • check their home address is correct via Macquarie Online Banking
  • provide a completed Macquarie Home Loan Variation Form – ensuring all borrowers sign by pen on a printed paper form before scanning and returning it back to us
  • provide supporting documents to evidence their residency at the property (i.e. current driver’s licence, most recent utility bills or council rate notice etc).

You can send the above information to mortgagevariations@macquarie.com.

Changing from an owner occupied loan to investment

To change the purpose of their home loan from owner occupied to investment, your client will need to get in touch with our team using live chat in Macquarie Online Banking or the Macquarie Banking app, 9am-5pm (Sydney time) excluding public and bank holidays.

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