The concept of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) means different things to different people. Clients (with the help of their advisers) should therefore determine what is important to them with regards to ESG and investing. A rating will not necessarily provide assurance of an investment option’s approach to ESG or an investment manager’s capability; however, ratings can provide advisers with an input when considering clients’ portfolios.
The Morningstar SustainabilityTM Rating is a measure of a fund’s ESG risks relative to its Morningstar Global Category (e.g. global equity large cap) and may not be directly comparable across different categories. Ratings are determined using bottom-up assessments of the underlying holdings within a portfolio, underpinned by Sustainalytics methodologies for assessing corporate and sovereign ESG risk. Go to Morningstar Sustainability RatingTM for more information about these methodologies.
RIAA certification is provided under RIAA’s Responsible Investment Certification Program. The Certification Standard is underpinned by eight requirements that act as the guiding principles of the RI Certification Program. If you’d like to know more about the certification program and criteria, please refer to the Responsible Investment Association of Australia.
These ratings are not the view of Macquarie.
The Morningstar Low Carbon Designation is assigned to portfolios that have low carbon-risk scores and low levels of fossil-fuel exposure.
Why have we added the ESG ratings?
We’ve added these ratings in response to increased demand from financial advisers and their clients to understand better how fund managers invest in relation to ESG concerns. Displaying these ESG ratings on the main investment menu allows advisers to easily identify these types of assets.