Performance reporting user guide

This guide provides information on how performance returns are calculated for Macquarie Wrap reports and statements.  The reports and statements that include performance data are:

Online reporting

  • Performance screen on Adviser Online
  • Portfolio Review Report (PRR) on Wrap Online
  • Performance Over Time Report on Wrap Online
  • Portfolio Summary on Wrap Online
  • Portfolio Snapshot on Wrap Online.


  • Periodic statements.

What levels of performance does Macquarie Wrap provide?

Macquarie Wrap provide performance reporting at three levels:

  • Group level performance (PRR only)
  • Account level performance
  • Security level performance.

Note: We’ve kept the PRR in Wrap Online available while we work towards building group level performance reporting and income projections in Adviser Online. Due to several enhancements and changes to certain assumptions, you may notice some differences between the Wrap and Adviser Online versions of the performance reports.

How do I view the performance for my client's accounts?

The Portfolio Review Report can be used to provide information for a group of accounts. This will help you produce an online overview of account activity for a group of clients over a period of time.

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. Select Reporting and Portfolio Review
  3. Search for the accounts you want to generate the report for, by entering the account name or number in the Groups or Accounts field.
  4. Click apply accounts
  5. The report default date range is Last Financial Year.

You may notice some differences between the figures on the Portfolio Review Report and the Performance page in Adviser Online. Adviser Online only should be referenced for account level performance, and Portfolio Review Report should be used to calculate performance on a group of client accounts.

How do I view the performance for a group of accounts?

You can locate a comprehensive view of your client’s account level performance on the ‘Performance’ page in Adviser Online:

  1. Log into Adviser Online
  2. Search for your client’s account in the ‘Account field’ of the global search bar in the header
  3. Select the ‘Performance’ tab within the account.

What is Money Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR)?

MWRR is a percentage that measures the performance of an investment or a portfolio by considering the timing and amount of cash inflows and outflows.

How are MWRR figures calculated?

MWRR calculations are generated as at the date of the report, for the time period requested.

What is Time Weighted Rate of Return (TWRR)?

TWRR is a percentage that measures the performance of an investment irrespective of the amount invested, effectively measuring the performance an investment would have obtained had the personal cash flows not occurred. The weight of the personal cash flows invested at any point in time does not impact the final return calculation. As such, TWRR is generally comparable to benchmark indices.

How are TWRR figures calculated?

TWRR calculations for all investments are calculated daily to obtain the most accurate results.  The daily figures are then compounded to obtain returns for any required period.

Frequently asked questions

What is the start date used for online performance reporting?

The PRR report allows the report to be generated using a start date before the date that the account was funded. This can impact the performance calculation. Adviser Online performance reporting will use a start date from the date the account has been funded.

What does 'since inception' refer to?

When selecting 'since inception’ in Adviser Online, the reporting period will commence on the account opening date, however performance is only calculated from the date the account was funded.

Do the performance calculations consider non-custodial assets (other assets)?

The PRR currently includes non-custodial assets in the performance calculation. Adviser Online excludes these assets in the performance calculation for Macquarie Wrap products and includes these assets for Macquarie Vision products.

Is the income projection tool available in Adviser Online?

The income projection is currently only available in the PRR. We’re working towards building the income projection tool in Adviser Online.

Why does the total change on the PRR not always balance with the other items?

Unlike Adviser Online and periodic statement performance reporting, the PRR does not contain a market movement figure.

Why is the PRR calculating performance on residual parcels after a client has sold out of an SMA?

The PRR system logic calculates performance on residual parcels after a client has sold out of an SMA. The Adviser Online performance is based on the actual SMA holdings for the period (it does not calculate performance on residual parcels).

Why is there an income discrepancy for product issuer rebates between the PRR and the portfolio summary in Wrap Online?

This is because product issuer rebates (which are reflected as rebate adjustments in our online and statement reporting) are excluded on the PRR.

How does Macquarie’s online performance reporting calculate performance for corporate action events that result in multiple tax parcels?

In certain scenarios following a particular corporate action event (e.g., a reconstruction), the performance of the impacted security will be calculated on the most recent parcel only.

Why are managed fund switches impacting the TWRR performance figure for super members?

In certain cases, the TWRR for a superannuation or pension account may be temporarily impacted if a managed fund switch occurred in the account late in the month. This does not impact IDPS accounts.

How are non-cash AMIT transactions reflected in performance reports?

The current system logic for both Wrap and Adviser Online reporting includes non-cash AMIT transactions in the security level performance figures.

Do all your performance calculations include income?

Yes, the performance calculation does include income. Income can be comprised of interest, distributions, and dividends and is dependent on the investments held within an account.

Do all your performance calculations include expenses?

Yes, the performance calculation does include expenses (for example adviser or administration fees). Currently there is no functionality to exclude certain fees from the performance reports.

Do performance figures include franking credits?

Franking credits are not factored in our performance reports. However, for superannuation and pension accounts the capital flows calculation includes any tax related cash transactions such as contributions tax, tax on income, tax credits on fees, and PAYG tax.

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