Why it's closing

The Macquarie Accumulator series was originally designed for clients with less complex investment needs.

Since then, we’ve worked with advisers to understand what their clients are looking for in a wrap and investment platform.

The Macquarie Consolidator II – Engage Investment Menu option provides a solution for clients with less complex investment needs (and Accumulator is no longer needed to fill that gap).

Split tax components

Your clients can’t hold two super accounts with Macquarie in order to split their tax components. The Macquarie Super and Pension Consolidator II – Engage Investment Menu option sits within the same division of the Macquarie Superannuation Plan as other products that Macquarie currently offers.

This means that if your client has an existing Super and Pension Manager / Manager II or Consolidator / Consolidator II account, they can’t open a second super account with Macquarie.

Margin lending

Macquarie Consolidator II – Engage Investment Menu option isn’t an available option for margin lending.

We’re working on this to add it as a feature in the future.

PDS and IDPS Guides

You can still access the PDS and IDPS Guides for closed to new account products at Macquarie Wrap.

You can find current offer documents for Consolidator II and Manager II via Adviser Tools by searching for the product name or alternatively via the Macquarie Wrap Product Information page.

All PDS and IDPS Guides for Wrap are available online only. You and your clients can print copies if needed.

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