Remove adviser service fees from an account

To remove an adviser service fee from an account, please use the Advice Fee Form. The Advice Fee form can be completed online by an adviser or support staff.

Once you’ve selected the relevant account within the portal, confirm you'd like to Cancel an existing fee by selecting this option from the drop down box in Stage 1. Once confirmed, the Advice Fee Form will display a message, confirming the existing consent will be invalidated and adviser service fees removed from the account upon submission of the Advice Fee Form.

Once submitted, adviser service fees will be removed from the account. If you remove fees in the middle of a month, fees for that month will not be deducted from the account at the end of the month.

In-Progress applications

To find an ‘In-Progress’ application:

  1. Log in to Adviser Online
  2. Select Applications > Wrap Pending Applications in the side navigation

You can use the search bar at the top of the In-Progress screen to search for applications by client name, application number, created date and adviser code.

If you’ve made any changes to the Advice Fee Form (by selecting the Make changes button), we’ll generate a new version of the form and you won’t be able to submit any previous versions. This is to ensure the version of the Advice Fee Form that we process is the most recent version.

When you select the Print, Sign, and Upload method to submit your Advice Fee Form, please ensure you upload the most recent version of the form.

Tips for ensuring the form is uploaded correctly

Some tips for uploading the Advice Fee Form include:

  1. Upload the correct document – please ensure the uploaded document matches Document Type from the drop-down list and relates to the intended client. The PDF document the client signed should be uploaded under the Document Type Client Authorisation
  2. Undamaged QR code – please check to ensure that the QR code hasn’t been damaged or altered as this will prevent the document being accepted. If you think the QR code may be damaged, please create a new request.

The Advice Fee Form PDF document (called the Client Authorisation document) needs to be uploaded in the final stage of the Advice Fee Form process and can’t be emailed directly to Macquarie. This is to ensure the form can be processed as quickly as possible.

For more information, see Advice Fee Form.

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