What is an exit strategy?

An exit strategy is required where: 

  • The income required to service the loan is earned by your client that is 50 years or older at the time of application, and  
  • They either intend to retire or will be 70 years or older prior to loan term maturity. 

Refer to the following circumstances:  

  • Individual applicant who is both:  
    • 50 years old (or older) at application and
    • Will be 70 years old (or older) at loan maturity*.  
  • Joint applicants in a spousal relationship where any income required to service the loan is earned by an applicant who is both:  
    • 50 years old (or older) at application and
    • Will be 70 years old (or older) at loan maturity*.  
  • Joint applicants in a non-spousal relationship where any applicant (regardless of if their income is required to service the loan) is both:  
    • 50 years old (or older) at application and
    • Will be 70 years old (or older) at loan maturity*.  

*Or has advised an intention to have retired prior to loan maturity.  

Assessing downsizing exit strategy

The following principles are used when assessing downsizing exit strategy:  

  • the property intended to be purchased is assessed at current market value 
  • the applicant needs to be able to purchase the new property and extinguish all debt on the existing property  
  • the loan size can be assessed at the amortised value at the point in time they intend to downsize, based on minimum contractual repayments 
  • no capital growth should be assumed in the property they are selling 
  • care is required where the loan is secured by an owner-occupied property which is the applicant’s main asset 
  • exit strategy plan, is detailed including the above and showing timeframe, purchase price and location, and aligns with the applicant’s requirements and objectives.

What documents do I need to provide to support an exit strategy?

Where an exit strategy is reliant on superannuation balances or other investment balances, evidence of these investment holdings will generally be required.  

For other exit strategies, further documentation will generally be required on a case-by-case basis specific to your client and their financial position.  

For more information, refer to the Macquarie Residential Home Loans Credit guidelines.  

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