Support staff can have access to multiple brokers’ portfolios in Broker Portal. The scenarios below detail the best way to set this up for your staff and your office.
For support staff in the same office
Support staff will only need to be set up once for each office they support. Once they’ve been set up, you’ll be able to provide them with access to your portfolio in Broker Portal by adding them to your team from the ‘Existing Support Staff in Office’ list. Your support staff will only need one Macquarie ID to access multiple brokers' portfolios in Broker Portal.
To search for applications and existing clients for each broker, they can log in using their Macquarie ID and then can access information for all brokers using our self-serve digital tools (e.g. inflight application tracking and viewing existing client details, including requesting a variable rate review).
Managing multiple Macquarie IDs for the same office
If your support staff has received multiple Macquarie IDs from brokers in the same office, this means that the staff member has been added as a new support staff member by multiple brokers. You should remove access for the duplicated support staff in the Broker Portal. Instead, you should provide them with access to your portfolio in the Broker Portal by adding them to your team from the ‘Existing Support Staff Office’ list.
Definition of ‘same office’
For the purposes of support staff accreditation, ‘same office’ refers to brokers within the same office and same aggregator. An office with multiple locations, may not always be considered a ‘same office’.
For support staff across multiple offices
If brokers from different offices are supported by the same staff member, they’ll need to be set up separately, following the above process, for every office they support. For every office, the support staff will have a different Macquarie ID and log in details. They’ll also need to link each Macquarie ID to their Macquarie Authenticator.
When using our self-serve digital tools (e.g. inflight application tracking, live chat and requesting a variable rate review for existing clients), the support staff will need to log in using the Macquarie ID linked to the broker that introduced the application.