Support staff access to Broker Portal

As a broker, you can give your support staff access to your portfolio in Broker Portal. Giving support staff access will enable them to securely:

  • track the status of your in-flight applications
  • view the loan information for your existing clients such as the loan structure and repayment details
  • request variable rate reviews for your existing clients, and
  • connect with us via live chat for assistance on wide range of queries for your inflight applications and existing clients.

Your support staff will be provided with their own dedicated log-in credentials, which they can use each time they log in.

How to give your support staff access

To give your support staff access to your portfolio in Broker Portal:

  1. Log in to Broker Portal
  2. Navigate to the Support Staff page on the left panel
  3. Click Add support staff member in the top right corner
  4. Check existing access – your support staff may have already been added by another broker in your office, you can check the ‘Existing Support Staff in Office’ list to see if they’ve already been given access and click Add to my team.   
  5. If they haven’t already got access, click Add a new support staff member. You’ll then be prompted to provide the following details for the support staff member you’d like to add:
  • their first name
  • their last name
  • their date of birth
  • their work email address 
  • their mobile number (which is required for multi-factor authentication when they log in to Broker Portal).
  1. Please check your support staff’s details carefully as incorrect information will impact the onboarding process. Once you’ve checked this information, then click Continue.  
  2. Review and acknowledge your understand the terms and conditions.
  3. Once acknowledged, your support staff member will shortly be added to your ‘Support Staff’ list in Broker Portal. 
  4. They’ll then receive an email from us with information on how they can access Broker Portal.

Providing contact details for your support staff 

You’ll need to share your support staff member’s contact details, so we can set up their user profile in Broker Portal. Their contact details will also be used for:

  • multi-factor authentication with Macquarie Authenticator – through their mobile phone, when they log into the Broker Portal, and
  • receiving email communications for support staff via their email address.

International mobile numbers can generally be used for support staff based overseas.

Access for support staff managing multiple brokers

Support staff can have access to multiple brokers’ portfolios in Broker Portal. The scenarios below detail the best way to set this up for your staff and your office.

For support staff in the same office

Support staff will only need to be set up once for each office they support.  Once they’ve been set up, you’ll be able to provide them with access to your portfolio in Broker Portal by adding them to your team from the ‘Existing Support Staff in Office’ list. Your support staff will only need one Macquarie ID to access multiple brokers' portfolios in Broker Portal. 

To search for applications and existing clients for each broker, they can log in using their Macquarie ID and then can access information for all brokers using our self-serve digital tools (e.g. inflight application tracking and viewing existing client details, including requesting a variable rate review).

Managing multiple Macquarie IDs for the same office

If your support staff has received multiple Macquarie IDs from brokers in the same office, this means that the staff member has been added as a new support staff member by multiple brokers. You should remove access for the duplicated support staff in the Broker Portal. Instead, you should provide them with access to your portfolio in the Broker Portal by adding them to your team from the ‘Existing Support Staff Office’ list. 

Definition of ‘same office’

For the purposes of support staff accreditation, ‘same office’ refers to brokers within the same office and same aggregator. An office with multiple locations, may not always be considered a ‘same office’.

For support staff across multiple offices

If brokers from different offices are supported by the same staff member, they’ll need to be set up separately, following the above process, for every office they support. For every office, the support staff will have a different Macquarie ID and log in details.  They’ll also need to link each Macquarie ID to their Macquarie Authenticator.

When using our self-serve digital tools (e.g. inflight application tracking, live chat and requesting a variable rate review for existing clients), the support staff will need to log in using the Macquarie ID linked to the broker that introduced the application.

Issues for support staff accessing the Broker Portal

Please check your support staff’s contact information has been entered correctly when you register them, as any incorrect information will impact the onboarding process.

If your support staff:

  • hasn’t received the welcome email with their log in details – check the email address you entered is correct.
  • aren’t receiving the SMS when setting up Macquarie Authenticator to complete the multi-factor authentication check their mobile number is correct.

If their contact details are incorrect, you’ll need to remove their access and request access for them again with the correct contact details. They’ll receive a new Macquarie ID, which will need to be linked to Macquarie Authenticator when they next log in to Broker Portal.

Updating support staff contact details in the Broker Portal

To update your support staff member’s contact details, you’ll need to remove their access and request access for them again with their correct contact details, which takes up to five minutes. They’ll receive a new Macquarie ID, which will need to be linked to Macquarie Authenticator when they next log in.

Managing support staff access to the Broker Portal

As an accredited Macquarie Broker, it’s your responsibility to:

  • ensure your support staff member’s contact details are kept up to date in Broker Portal, and
  • remove your support staff member’s access from your portfolio in Broker Portal when it’s no longer required.

You can review and manage your support staff member’s access to your portfolio in Broker Portal in the Support Staff section of Broker Portal.

Removing support staff access to Broker Portal

To remove a support staff member’s access to your portfolio in the Broker Portal:

  1. Log in to Broker Portal
  2. Navigate to the ‘Support Staff’ page on the left panel
  3. Search for the support staff member whose access you’d like to remove
  4. Click ⁞ and select Revoke access
  5. Confirm the request.

To remove access for multiple support staff, you’ll need to complete the above steps for each staff member you’d like to remove.

If you’ve accidentally removed access for a support staff member, you can request access for them again, which takes up to five minutes. They’ll receive a new Macquarie ID, which will need to be added to Macquarie Authenticator when they next log in to Broker Portal.

No longer have access to the Broker Portal

There are some scenarios where your support staff will automatically lose access to Broker Portal. Examples include:

  • If you’ve moved offices
  • If you’ve changed aggregators
  • If you’re no longer an accredited Macquarie Broker.

If applicable, you’ll need to re-add your support staff to provide them with access to your new office and/or aggregator.

If we remove your support staff member’s access, we’ll send an email to you and the support staff member to let you know.

Terms and conditions of support staff access to Broker Portal

You and your support staff will need to agree to the following terms and conditions for them to gain access to Broker Portal. 

Broker Terms and Conditions

Macquarie is committed to providing excellent service and outcomes for its customers and expects the same of all accredited brokers and their staff and those assisting them (“Support Staff”). 

The below requirements set out the minimum standards that Macquarie expects of brokers when providing Broker Portal access to their Support Staff.

By proceeding, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • I will ensure that the details of Support Staff are true, accurate and kept up to date;
  • I will ensure that Support Staff act in a professional, honest and fair manner, considering community expectations;
  • I will ensure that Support Staff comply with applicable laws, regulations, regulatory guidelines and industry codes of practice, and will not act in a misleading, deceptive or unconscionable manner;
  • I have completed background and employment checks on my Support Staff;
  • I will ensure that Support Staff adhere to Macquarie’s Broker Code of Conduct as if they were brokers, and I will inform Macquarie immediately if I become aware of any non-compliance with that Code;
  • I will be responsible and liable for all actions carried out by Support Staff in relation to my activities;
  • I will remove access for Support Staff when they cease to be my Support Staff or where access is no longer required;
  • I will inform Macquarie immediately if I become aware of any adverse information relating to any Support Staff use of, or access to, Broker Portal;
  • I will inform Macquarie immediately if I become aware of any cybersecurity event or risk relating to Support Staff, including compromise of their technology system.

Any breach of these requirements may result in Macquarie terminating my accreditation and/or taking further steps in connection with any breach. 

Support Staff Terms and Conditions

Macquarie is committed to providing excellent service and outcomes for its customers and expects the same of all accredited brokers and their staff and those assisting them (“Support Staff”). 

The below requirements set out the minimum standards that Macquarie expects of Support Staff and the commitments you make each time you interact with Macquarie.

By proceeding, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • I will act in a professional, honest and fair manner, considering community expectations;
  • I will comply with applicable laws, regulations, regulatory guidelines and industry codes of practice, and will not act in a misleading, deceptive or unconscionable manner;
  • I will protect the privacy of all customer information;
  • I will not submit any information to Macquarie that I know or suspect to be incomplete, false or misleading; and
  • I will adhere to the terms outlined in Macquarie’s Broker Code of Conduct, as if I was a broker.

I also confirm that:

  • I have never been declared bankrupt; 
  • I have never been banned or disqualified by a bank, financial institution, aggregator or regulator; and
  • I have never been convicted of a criminal offence involving fraud, dishonesty or money laundering.

A breach of these terms may result in Macquarie revoking my access to Broker Portal or terminating the accreditation of a broker I assist, and/or taking further action in connection with any breach.

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