Loan disbursement letter

There are a few things you and your client may need to do for settlement. A copy of the loan disbursement letter will be emailed to you from our panel solicitors after the loan settles. 

Alter or waive settlement conditions

You can make this request to alter or waive a settlement condition by contacting our panel solicitors. Our panel solicitors will organise for this request to be reviewed by our Credit team.  
The panel solicitors' email address can be found on the formal approval letter and on the cover sheet of the loan documentation pack. 

Settlement date

You will receive an email confirmation of the settlement date from our panel solicitors. When all settlement requirements have been met, our panel solicitors will liaise with the relevant stakeholders to agree on a settlement date. 

 If you’d like to change the settlement date, you’ll need to discuss with our panel solicitors. Our panel solicitors will liaise with the relevant stakeholders and do their best to meet this request. They will confirm if settlement can be changed. 

Where to find settlement date after settlement

You and your support staff can view your client’s settlement date through our Broker Portal. You can easily search by name or account number through our ‘Existing loans’ function. Please note that only loan accounts identified by a BSB starting with 182 will be displayed.  
Your client provides their consent in their loan documentation for you to be able to access their loan details. They can revoke their consent at any time after settlement. 

Register your support staff to provide them access to this information.

Documentation fee

Your client will be charged a $350 documentation fee in relation to preparing their loan documents and arranging settlement. For more detail on charges, please refer to your client’s loan offer and settlement authority. 

Funds to complete

If your client will be using funds from an existing Macquarie offset or transaction account, they’ll need to fill in the ‘funds to complete’ section of the settlement authority form included in your client’s loan documentation pack.

If your client will not be using funds from an existing Macquarie offset or transaction account, they’ll need to liaise with their solicitor or conveyancer to make arrangements for their own funds to be available at settlement.

Settlement can’t proceed without sufficient funds available to complete. Your client will need to ensure there are sufficient available funds in the nominated account/s prior to the day of settlement.

Where they have insufficient funds, they’ll need to transfer funds into the nominated account or contact our panel solicitors to discuss other options.

If your client has incorrectly filled in or didn’t fill in the funds to complete section of the settlement authority form, they’ll need to make their own arrangements to manually transfer funds so that they are available at settlement.

To ensure your client has funds available, and to avoid any delays, it's important to be aware of our payment cut off and processing times.

Funds for construction loan

Your client’s financial contribution must be made at land settlement as we retain the full amount of the building contract for construction of the property.

Supporting documents

Supporting documents for settlement conditions must be emailed to our panel solicitors. Their email address can be found on the formal approval letter and on the cover sheet of the loan documentation pack. 

Debt consolidation settlement condition

If it is a settlement condition, the final payout figure, including banking/BPAY®  details for the credit card required to be paid out will need to be provided to our panel solicitors prior to settlement. At settlement, we will allocate part of the settlement funds to pay down the credit card balance. 

If it is not a settlement condition, your client will need to liaise with their credit card provider.  

Your client will need to arrange for the closure of the credit card post settlement. 

Panel solicitors

Contact information for the panel solicitor acting on our behalf can be found on the formal approval advice. 

For more information on what happens after formal approval of your client’s loan application, see our guides on:

® Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

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