What are back channel messages?

Back Channel Messages (BCMs) are our way of keeping you up to date on the status of your client's loan and how we communicate with you if we need more information to help assess the loan.

To stay updated on the status of your client's loan you can opt in to receive your BCMs via email or SMS or both. To receive a BCM you'll need to:

  1. ensure your details are correct in ApplyOnline, and 
  2. activate BCMs in ApplyOnline 

You can also easily track the status of your inflight and recently settled applications through the Macquarie Broker Portal.

All you need is your MAC ID and password to log in and start using the portal today. 

Updating your details to receive BCMs

  1. Go to the Profile Icon in top right-hand corner and then select Your Settings.
  2. Select the Edit Icon next to the Your user settings title and then update your details as required. Select Save when completed.

Activating BCMs

  1. Go to the Profile Icon in top right-hand corner and then select Your Settings
  2. Select the Status tab, tick the checkboxes under the email header column to receive BCMs on the application status and then select Save. You can receive BCMs on the following:
    • error on submission
    • referred
    • conditionally approved
    • unconditionally approved
    • application settled.

You can also opt in to receive SMS BCMs by ticking the SMS checkboxes.


  1. Select the Events tab
    • Once you’ve activated the status of BCMs, you’ll need to activate the event BCMs
    • These BCMs will keep you updated on every event that takes place throughout the application. You can receive BCMs on the following:
      • application received
      • valuation ordered
      • valuation received.
  1. Select Macquarie Bank from the lender drop down menu, tick the checkboxes under the email header column to receive BCMs on the events that take place and then select save.


You can receive BCMs on the following:

  • valuation received
  • solicitors instructed.

You can also opt in to receive SMS BCMs by ticking the SMS checkboxes.


Once complete, you’ll receive BCMs. If you've updated your settings through Macquarie Access, you'll receive BCMs from Macquarie. 

If you've updated your settings through your aggregator software, you'll receive BCMs from your aggregator.

Log in to Broker Portal

Track your applications, view our processing times and easily access your existing client loan details, all within our Macquarie Broker Portal.

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Meet the team

We've built a team of specialists to provide you and your clients support throughout each stage of the loan journey and the best-in-class service. Get to know your State specialists today.